Program Committee Chair Training Welcome to the Program Committee Chair Training workshop. This session is designed to assist you in guiding your committee through the work flow of the PLN Conference.
Training Agenda Conference Program Housekeeping items and deadlines Action and Information Items Accomplishment Report Cross-Committee Issue Work We will be discussing a number of items today including: Key elements of the conference program Housekeeping items and their related deadlines How to guide your committee in forming Action and Information Items for ASRED and AEA review How to work with your committee to write the Accomplishment Report to showcase the year’s efforts What will happen during the cross-committee issue work time.
Conference Program Click Let’s begin by reviewing the conference program. All conference information is posted to the PLN website: You can access the conference information by either clicking on the conference icon on the home page or by clicking on PLN Conferences on the left side bar.
Key Points from the Program Monday, Aug. 24: 3:30 PLC meeting with committee chairs and vice-chairs 5:00 Newcomer orientation Tuesday, Aug. 25: 10:00 Committees with Admin. Advisors 1:30 Committee report back session 3:30 Committees with Admin. Advisors While the program is on-line for your thorough review, let’s take a minute to highlight some key points that will serve to guide your committee’s work. Monday, August 24 3:30 The PLC meets along with the committee chairs and vice chairs. This meeting will set the stage for the week and allow time to clarify or update plans for the week. 5:00 – Newcomer orientation is planned for those coming to PLN for the first time. Chairs and vice-chairs are asked to attend to welcome their new members and help orient them to the committee’s work. Tuesday, August 25 10:00 Committees have time to meet with their Administrative Advisors. At the request of the administrators, this time needs to be devoted to planning and decision-making to make the best use of their time. Other agenda items such as state reporting should be scheduled during times that the Advisors are not available. 1:30 – Committee report back session. Each committee will be asked to provide a short response to the keynote presentations from Monday’s session. A template with the response questions is provided on the website. (Go to link) 3:30 Administrative Advisors continue to meet with the committees
Key Points, Continued Wednesday, Aug. 26 Thursday, Aug. 27 10:30 Committees without Admin. Advisors 1:00 Cross Committee Issue Work 3:30 Committees with Admin Advisors Thursday, Aug. 27 6:45 am – PLC meeting with both outgoing and incoming committee representatives 10:30 Action & Info items presented to ASRED & AEA Wednesday, August 26 10:30 During the morning session beginning at 10:30, committees meet without their administrative advisors. 1:00 – New to the PLN agenda this year is a dedicated time to work on cross-committee issues. In response to the feedback from last year’s PLN study, the PLC fashioned this time to promote this important aspect of the Network. We will talk about this more in a few minutes. 3:30 Committees return to their groups, meeting with their Administrative Advisors. One key discussion topic will be to infuse the cross-committee discussion findings into the committee’s work for the next year. Thursday, August 27 6:45 a.m. (yes, am) PLC will meet with both the outgoing and incoming PLC committee representatives. Please be sure that your committee has selected representatives and that both exiting and entering reps know to attend this meeting. 10:30 PLC will present the committee Action and Info items to ASRED and AEA. (More about this in a minute.)
Housekeeping: Your Committee Page Go to PLN website Select Program Committees Tab Select your committee Now for a look at some housekeeping issues. Each committee has its own dedicated page within the PLN website. This can be a valuable resource for your committee if maintained. To find your page, go to the main PLN website. Select your committee from the “Program Committee” tab at the top left.
Housekeeping: Committee Page What You Will Find: Officers Conference Call Dates Membership list Listserv address 2008-09 Plan of Work Minutes Accomplishment Report Link State Report Wiki Link (if using) Action & Info Item Templates 2009-10 Plan of Work Template A host of resources are housed on this page. You will find: Officers, with email links Conference Call Dates (if provided) Membership list Listserv address 2008-09 Plan of Work, which will be updated to the new Plan of Work at the close of the conference Minutes Accomplishment Report Link State Report Wiki Link (if your committee is using it) Action & Info Item Templates 2009-10 Plan of Work Template The site is maintained by the Southern Rural Development Center. The Chairs/Vice-Chairs are responsible for communicating changes as needed. Notify Rachel Welborn if changes are needed to the page or to the listserv. Note: Site is maintained by the Southern Rural Development Center – It is the Committee Chair’s responsibility to provide updates.
Housekeeping: State Reports Link to State Report Wiki on Committee Page State Report Wiki ready for committees that requested it Due prior to August 26 Conference Chairs notify members of process for submitting reports and whether to bring paper copies Moving now to some of the reporting segments of PLN, let’s begin by talking about state reports. Each committee has the flexibility to design state reporting in the way that best fits the committee’s needs. These reports often help facilitate discussion about resource availability and emerging best practices. Committees have the option of using the state report wiki. If your committee notified the PLC that you wanted to use it, the system is ready. A link to the state report wiki is on each committee page. Chairs are responsible for notifying their committee members on the process to be used for state reporting.
Housekeeping: Update 2008-09 Plan of Work Due August 27 (end of conference) Select Update Current Plan of Work (DOC) from your committee page Update information E-mail updates to Rachel Welborn Each committee is responsible for updating its Plan of Work from last year (2008-09) as well as submitting a plan of work for the current year (2009-2010). Your 2008-09 Plan of Work is linked to your committee page in two forms: a PDF for clean and easy printing and viewing, and a Word document to be used for updating the Plan of Work. Please plan time during your time together to review your 2008-09 Plan and update the Completion Date column. If items were not completed, use this space to provide an update (short progress statement, etc.) Email the updated Plan to Rachel Welborn for posting to the site. DUE: End of Conference – August 27th.
Housekeeping: Create 2009 -2010 Plan of Work Download “Plan of Work Template” from your committee page Fill in new Plans of Work, new officers and new PLC representatives Due August 27 (end of conference) E-mail to and A related task for your committee to complete is to design the 2009-2010 Plan of Work. A link to a Word template is found on your committee’s page. Please fill in plans for the current year as well as NEW officers and NEW PLC representatives that will be serving during the 2009-2010 year. Please email the New Plan of Work to both Rachel Welborn and Alicia Barnes for posting to the PLN site. DUE: End of conference – August 27th.
Housekeeping: Membership List Update Membership List Due August 27 (end of conference) A hard copy of list will be distributed to Program Committee Chairs Pass list around in committee meeting Return updated list to registration table Additional updates throughout the year: email to Updating your committee’s membership list is a vital connecting link for the group. During the year, many members change positions, move, retire, or simply change email or mailing addresses. It is important to ensure that this information is updated regularly so that all of your members stay well informed of the committee’s work. A hard copy of the list will be distributed to you during the conference. Please pass this copy around the room and ask participants to make any changes. Return the copy to the conference registration table before you leave the conference. This information will be used to update the membership list on the web as well as the committee’s listserv. As additional changes are made throughout the year, please notify Rachel Welborn. Due August 27th – end of conference
Housekeeping: Electing Officers & PLC Representatives Officers serve a one year term, but can move up from one office to the next 1862 and 1890 PLC Representatives serve a 3-year term New 1890/1862 PLC Reps accompany current Reps to PLC meeting Thursday, August 27, 6:45 a.m. (location to be announced) Each committee should elect officers and PLC Representatives (if term expires) that take on their new responsibilities at the close of the August conference. Committee officers usually include a chair, vice-chair, and secretary. Officers serve a one year term, but can cycle up to the next office if the committee chooses (i.e. secretary moves to vice-chair, vice-chair moves to chair.) Committees should elect an 1862 and 1890 PLC Representative to serve a 3-year term. These representatives are expected to participate in the PLC conference calls and the December face-to-face meeting. Remind past and incoming PLC Representatives that they are requested to attend the PLC meeting on Thursday morning, August 27th at 6:45 a.m. These PLC terms are expiring: ANR – 1890 Representative to replace Nelson Daniels COM – 1862 Representative to replace Frankie Gould IT – 1862 Representative to replace Nina Boston MM – 1890 Representative to replace Ellen Smoak PSD – 1862 Representative to replace Mitch Owen (this needs to be a reappointment so that Mitch can fulfill his duties as PLC Past Chair) ASRED – Representative to replace Gaines Smith AEA – Advisor to replace Gina Eubanks
Action & Information Items Due Wednesday, August 26, by 5:00 p.m. E-mail to and Template for Action & Information Items on SRPLN Program Committee Page Action and Information Items are due by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 26th. These should be emailed to Alan Barefield and Rachel Welborn so that they can be combined for presentation to ASRED and AEA on Thursday morning. Templates for the Action and Information Items are on each committee’s web page. Let’s take a minute to discuss what these are all about… (next slide)
Action Item An action item is a proposed activity or policy decision that the joint AEA and ASRED administrators must approve before the committee may proceed. Action items are just that – items that require some sort of joint action from ASRED and AEA to proceed.
Action Item Characteristics Concise Clear Meets one or more of the following: Requires a commitment of resources from both 1862 and 1890 institutions Changes established practice Impacts others outside of the committee Characteristics are that they be clear, concise statements that meet one or more of the following conditions: Requires a commitment of resources from both 1862 and 1890 institutions Changes established practice Impacts others outside of the committee
Action Item: Good Example Health Disparities : Family and Consumer Sciences Background: A regional meeting of FCS Program Leaders & Specialists is needed to 1) provide professional development in the area of health disparities; 2) explore opportunities for multi-state and interdisciplinary efforts; and 3) form teams to write proposals for funding, development or adoption of health curricula across the region. Action Requested: Approval for a regional meeting Time line: September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2008 Commits resources Concise Here is a good example of an actual Action Item. Notice that the statements are short and to the point. The request for action is clear, as well as the timeline the committee is suggesting. Committee cannot move forward w/o approval
Action Item: Poor Example Encourage Participation in National Meetings: Phantom Committee Background – Due to the impending success of the national eXtension effort, faculty of state Extension organizations have more opportunities to collaborate with colleagues on a broader scale. Participation in national meetings would give faculty more opportunities to network with their counterparts and learn of ongoing activities in which they can partner. Extension leadership is asked to consider supporting the increase in attendance by faculty to national meetings that could improve relationships and collaboration between state organizations. Committee (s) Involved – All committees Action Needed – Approval for professional faculty/staff to attend national meetings. Time Line – 2009 and beyond. Verbose & meanders Here, on the other hand, is an example of what NOT to do. The background statement is long and meandering. The request for action, travel, is an individual administrator decision, not one that ASRED and AEA would make jointly. The timeline has no end. Approval of travel is an administrator choice, not group Vague
Information Item An information item requires no action from AEA and ASRED and conveys interesting information regarding current issues, proposed activities or work conducted by the PLN committee. Information items require no action on the part of ASRED and AEA, but rather convey information of interest to the two groups regarding work of the PLN Committees
Information Item Characteristics Concise Relevant to both AEA and ASRED Administrators Like Action Items, Information Items should be concise statements that are relevant to both AEA and ASRED.
Information Item: Good Example Interesting to ASRED & AEA Guidelines for Charges, Royalties, Permissions & Sponsorships Background: The region needs to establish guiding principles. The Communications Committee will take the lead to create the document and submit it for review to PLC prior to October 18 conference call. Committee: Communications Time Line: October 18, 2007 Here is an example of a good Information Item. Both ASRED and AEA have an interest in this realm, but this information does not require action on their part. Instead, the committee is merely communicating a decision to address a common need. Concise
Information Item: Poor Example National 1862 Program Development Conference Background: Several faculty members from land grant institutions will attend the national conference of 1862 professionals as an opportunity to network with colleagues from other states and learn of programs being developed that may be of use in the southern region. The meeting will be held in the beautiful state of North Carolina at the NCSU campus in the spring. Tours are planned to see demonstrations of successful program development activities. Outdoor receptions will be held each night to enjoy the warm weather. Faculty members are encouraged to register. Committee: Phantom Time Line: 2009 Narrow focus Verbose This poor example of an Information Items has several flaws. First, it only addresses 1862 universities, which would limit AEA’s involvement or interest. Second, the lengthy explanation does not provide any meaningful information regarding a committee’s planned work. Does not provide interesting information on committee work
Accomplishment Report Access link from committee page Ready now for 2009 input Due August 27 (end of conference) Ideal Length: One page bulleted list Showcase committee accomplishments during 2009 Continuing a process begun last year, each committee is asked to provide a short summary of its joint accomplishments for the 2008-09 year. A link to the accomplishment report wiki is on each committee’s web page. The wiki is set up now and committees can access it from now until the end of the conference. The ideal length per committee is about one page (total length) bulleted list covering the three questions asked: What has your committee accomplished together in the last year as a result of PLN? What has your committee accomplished together that it could not have accomplished without PLN? 3. Please give a few examples of specific benefits to individual states.
Cross-Committee Issues Purpose: to encourage committees to work together on common concerns Issues identified by committees Includes internal and external concerns Encourage representation from each committee on each issue. During last year’s PLN restructuring study, a consistent theme of the need for cross-committee work emerged. In response to that input, committees were asked to submit top cross-committee issues, both internal and external, for exploration during the conference. Each committee is asked to designate at least one participant in each issue discussion. Following this cross-committee time, individual committees will again meet to consider how the committee can respond to the needs and opportunities identified during the cross-committee time. Committees will be asked to provide feedback from this process by ________________
Cross-Committee Issues Internal Issues Human Capital Organizational Relevance Physical Resources (includes financial and facility resources) Technology These are the internal issues identified through committee input: Internal Issues: Human Capital Organizational Relevance Physical Resources (includes financial and facility resources) Technology
Cross Committee Issues External Issues Availability of Wholesome & Safe Food Supply Benchmarking Program Impacts Energy Health Education Natural Resource Base (including climate change and water quality) External Issues are: Availability of Wholesome & Safe Food Supply Benchmarking Program Impacts Energy Health Education Natural Resource Base (including climate change and water quality)
Committee Responses Following the Cross Committee Discussions: Select 3-5 issues to which the committee will respond Include action steps on the Committee’s 2009-2010 Plan of Work indicating how these will be addressed. 2009-2010 Plan of Work is due at the end of the conference. At the close of the cross committee discussion times, Program Committees will return to their individual groups to discuss the results. Once your representatives to each issue have had a chance to report back, select 3-5 of the 10 identified issued to which the committee will respond. Include action steps on the Committee’s 2009-2010 Plan of Work indicating how these will be addressed. In the column to the right, write in which issue you are addressing. Note that all action items on the Plan of Work do not have to relate back to one of the cross-committee issues. However, please make an effort to include some that are key to jointly addressing common concerns. The 2009-2010 Plan of Work is due at the end of the conference – August 27.
Questions We have covered a lot of ground during this discussion. What questions do you have?
Thank you for participating in this session. See you in Orlando!