1 Progress report: DISCONTOOLS Project Morgane Delavergne DISCONTOOLS Project Manager, September 22nd, 2009 Mirror Group Meeting Châtelain Hotel, Brussels
2 Objectives Focus & prioritise research Stimulate delivery of new and improved diagnostics, vaccines & pharmaceuticals –Develop database on 47 diseases from ETPGAH –Develop prioritisation model –Develop Gap Analysis model Ensure the deployment of new technologies in the animal health research area as rapidly as possible –Develop blueprint for the identification and evaluation of new technologies
3 Organisation Stakeholder driven as per ETPGAH 5 Work Packages –Project Management –WP1 –Disease Prioritisation – WP2 –Gap Analysis – WP3 –Technology Evaluation – WP4 –Communication – WP5 Project Management & Communication managed by Project Management Board Stakeholder Forum & Advisory Council
4 Project Status Outcome of the last meetings: 3rd Project Management Board (PMB) & Chairs and Vice-Chairs meetings - January Disease Prioritisation (WP 2) meeting - March Gap Analysis (WP 3) meeting - March Technology Evaluation (WP 4) meeting – March Stakeholder Meeting – 8th July 4th PMB Meeting – 9th July
5 3rd PMB & Chairs and Vice-Chairs meetings - 1 January 2009 PMB responsible for Project Management (WP 1) and Communication (WP 5) Confirmed risk assessment as opposed to risk management approach Build simple & flexible model crossing bridges as we come to them Develop model, test on 6 diverse diseases and refine as necessary Gaps to focus on are Knowledge, Diagnostics, Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals Project Status
6 3rd PMB & Chairs and Vice-Chairs meetings - 2 Need to define possibly 10 criteria that make up the ideal Diagnostic, Vaccine or Pharmaceutical Gaps to be ranked in order of priority Technology Evaluation blueprints do not exist & we need to develop a methodology Will look at other industries for ideas Management of areas of overlap were agreed Website development & finances discussed Project Status
7 Disease Prioritisation (WP 2) Develop model and test on RVF, FMD, BTV, AI, Mastitis & Rinderpest – Currently under testing Criteria for “Disease Scoring Model” (Prioritisation Model) – Knowledge, Impacts (Society, Public Health, Trade, Welfare) & Control Tools reviewed along with an accompanying Interpretation Guide Scores & coefficients discussed “Disease and Product Analysis” document reviewed (questionnaire framework for gathering information for database) Leaders for each Expert Group (Expert Group for each of the 47 diseases) discussed – 8-10 people per group Experts Groups – Process ongoing to create the groups, text will be agreed by mid-November and Scoring finalised by Christmas. Project Status
11 Gap Analysis (WP 3) - 1 “Disease and Product Analysis” document reviewed (questionnaire framework for gathering information for database) with Gap Analysis in mind Criteria for “Gap Analysis” – Diagnostics, Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals reviewed along with an accompanying Interpretation Guide This information will feed into the Control Tools section of the Prioritisation Model Project Status
14 Gap Analysis (WP 3) - 2 Limit number of gaps to those that are critical and prioritise Expert Groups – include laboratory expertise, epidemiology, industry, diagnostics, economic/trade expertise European focus but with Global perspective Look at endemic and epidemic diseases in Europe & a Global view thereafter Reviewing databases of products available across the Globe
15 Technology Evaluation (WP 4) Develop web search tool Focus on events of relevant Platforms Develop template defining who does what Target audiences for the output of the WP refined (funders, networks of excellence, international health bodies, academia, research institutes, ERA-Nets) A workshop “A process to identify and evaluate new technologies” will be organised in December 2009 Project Status
16 Stakeholder Meeting – July FP6 and FP7 calls – wide range of projects relevant to the ETPGAH AP Analysis of the AP recommendations -Good progress -Avoid duplication: e.g. ICONZ project -Overview of all the ongoing research: stakeholder input -Recommendation to be made to the European Council: reserve fund in emergency situations Update on DISCONTOOLS Update on the mirror groups Project Status
17 Stakeholder Meeting – July EMIDA ERA-Net: “Common call” for research published, €20m, 19 partners from 16 countries Animal Health Strategy: -interaction with the ETPGAH and DISCONTOOLS -Any reference to DISCONTOOLS needs to be considered carefully AP and future developments of the ETPGAH: -Review of the AP: creation of a WG. COPA-COGECA to provide input -Innovative Ideas from mirror group to be considered -Food security as a “hot topic” -Species approach needs consideration – systems approach -Importance of MUMS and Companion animals Next meeting in June 2010 Project Status
18 4th PMB (Chairs and Vice-Chairs) meeting Reflexions from the stakeholder meeting: -Update of the document on ongoing research -Review of AP Report from the Working Groups - Chairs Financial update Web development report : -Website: -Online on the 14th September Report from the EPIZONE and EMIDA meetings – good cooperation and coordination Project Status
19 Conclusions DISCONTOOLS has a clear vision: –Build database –Define Gaps –Prioritise –Focus funding from all sources on critical gaps –Fight disease! Fully flexible model and interactive website that can be continuously updated Great progress being made - 4 year Project – be patient!!
20 THANK YOU ! Rue Defacqz, 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32 (0) Fax: +32 (0)