University Committees: The Essence of Shared Governance Changes for 2004-2005.


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Presentation transcript:

University Committees: The Essence of Shared Governance Changes for

Faculty Participation in University Committees “Standing University committees are appointed by and are advisory to the President. These committees may be under the purview of a member of the University’s central administration who shall be responsible for convening these committees at regular intervals and whenever the need for committee action arises.” Auburn University Faculty Handbook

“For University committees for which three or fewer faculty positions come open, the Rules Committee shall provide a list of nominees exceeding the number of openings by one; for University committees for which four or more faculty positions come open, the Rules Committee shall provide a list of nominees exceeding the number of openings by two. “In cases in which the President is unable to complete the staffing of a University committee from the list of nominees provided by the Rules Committee, the President may require the Rules Committee to make additional nominations, and may propose other individuals who would be more appropriate for the particular Committee's needs.” Auburn University Faculty Handbook

Process Chairs of University Committees were asked for input. Input was documented. University officials designated by the President as being responsible for the different University Committees reviewed –composition –charge –input from the chair

Changes in University Committees Committees disbanded in recent years –Campus Planning Committee –Orientation Committee –Space Allocation Committee –Student Financial Aid Committee –Student Scholarship Committee –University Instrumentation Committee Committees still awaiting input –Multicultural Diversity Commission –Patents and Inventions Committee

Nominating Bodies and Typical Terms (unless stated otherwise) Faculty –Senate Rules Committee –Three-year staggered terms, occasionally two-year terms Administrative/Professionals –A/P Assembly –Three-year staggered terms, occasionally two-year terms Staff –Staff Council –Three-year staggered terms, occasionally two-year terms Students –Student Government Association –Graduate Student Council –One-year terms

Requirements Reports as specified for university governance, faculty governance and student governance. Reports as specified but as a minimum an annual report to the President’s Office is required.

Changes to the Committees Academic Honesty: Provost –Four additional faculty –One graduate student alternate –Four undergraduate student alternates Admissions Appeals: VP Student Affairs –Director of Academic Support Services –Director of Admissions and Records –Director of Financial Aid or designee

Advisory Committee for a Drug-free Campus and Workplace Change in responsibility from –Vice President for Research to Vice President for Student Affairs Composition change –Coordinator of Student Counseling Services-chair –Representative from City of Auburn Police –Representative from Health Behavior Assessment Center, Psychology Department

Faculty Dismissal Hearing and Faculty Dismissal Inquiry Committees: President Faculty on the committees elected by the faculty Chairs elected by the committees Election process: Each college/school/library will elect two faculty: one to serve on the Faculty Dismissal Hearing committee and one for the Faculty Dismissal Inquiry Committee. The Senate Rules Committee will nominate nine members for the Dismissal Hearing Committee and six for the Dismissal Inquiry committee. The Dismissal Hearing committee will have members from different colleges/schools/ library. The remainder of the colleges and schools will be represented on the Dismissal Inquiry Committee which has six faculty members.

Concessions Board: VP Student Affairs – Assistant Vice President for Auxiliaries rather than University Bookstore Manager Foy Union Board: VP Student Affairs –Dean of Students–chair – National Pan-Hellenic Representative – Black Student Union President Fraternities and Sororities: VP Student Affairs - Dean of Students – Vice President for Student Affairs or designee – Nonvoting – Program Advisors for Student Life – Nonvoting – Coordinator of Greek Life – Independent student – Independent student alternate

Graduation: Provost –Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management or designee –Nonvoting---AUM faculty member –Rotate membership among the colleges and schools Insurance and Benefits: Executive VP –Immediate past chair of the Staff Council – This person replaces the Staff Council representative Intercollegiate Athletics: President –Added two faculty members –Faculty will serve three-year terms rather than four- year term –New term lengths will start with new members

Institutional Review Board for Use of Human Subject in Research: VP Research New Charge: The IRB functions to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants. As such, the IRB shall review all research activities involving human subjects for compliance with federal guidelines and ethical research principles. The IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval) and disapprove research proposals and to suspend or terminate research that is not conducted in accordance with the IRB’s requirements or that has been associated with unexpected serious harm to subjects.

Institutional Review Board for Use of Human Subject in Research: VP Research Composition changes –Two additional faculty, making 11 in total –One community representative rather than two –Two community alternates rather than one –Three-year terms for community member rather six-year terms –Faculty members may succeed themselves if requested by the faculty member and approved by the OVPR

International Students: VP Student Affairs –Director of Admissions and Records –Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management –Dean of Students –Director of International Students Persons with Disabilities: President –Graduate Student Council and the Student Government Association should seek recommendations for students from the Office of Students with Disabilities

Patents and Inventions: VP Research Charge is being developed Three-year rotating terms Composition –Director of Technology Transfer –Nine faculty total Representing areas such as: –Engineering –Pharmacy –Sciences and Mathematics –Agriculture –Veterinary Medicine –Business, Marketing, Economics Three faculty needed

Radiological Safety: VP Research Change in charge –Remove “taken the Radiation Safety Short Course or has documented equivalent training and experience from another institution” –Replace with “is qualified by training and experience to safely perform such work.” Changes in Composition –Assistant Vice President for Facilities or designee –Physics Head or designee –Representative of the largest radiation source on campus.

Recreational Services: VP Student Affairs –Vice President for Student Affairs or designee Student Academic Grievance: Provost –One graduate student alternate Student Communications Board: VP Student Affairs –Head/chair Communications and Journalism –Faculty member from Journalism –Faculty member from Communications –Vice President for Student Affairs or designee –One graduate student

Space Planning and Management Committee: President Charge: –The Space Planning and Management Committee (SPMC) will provide support and advice on space planning, priorities, management, and allocation to the President. Composition: Voting members--- 3-year terms –Seven faculty –Three department heads/chairs –Three deans –One vice president

Space Planning and Management Committee (continued) Composition---Voting members-3-year terms –Special Assistant to President as chair –Associate Provost and Vice President for Research or designee –Assistant Vice President for Facilities –Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs –Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management –Associate Director of AAES –Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary Services –Athletic Director or designee –GSC President –SGA President

Space Planning and Management Committee (continued) Composition---Nonvoting members –Director of University Planning –Associate Director of Risk Management and Safety –University Architect –Executive Director of Planning and Analysis –Director of Telecommunications –Director of Operations and Maintenance –Director of Students with Disabilities –Director of AA/EEOC/ADA

Student Health: VP Student Affairs –New Charge: This committee shall (1) serve in an advisory capacity to the AU Medical Clinic and (2) work with AU Medical Clinic and the Lifetime Wellness & Fitness Program in Recreational Services to provide comprehensive and specific health and wellness programs to the broader campus population. –Composition changes: Director of Recreational Services or designee Dean of Students Coordinator for Student Counseling Services

Student Discipline: VP Student Affairs –Program Advisor for Dean of Students (non voting) Student Social Life: VP Student Affairs –Dean of Students –National Pan-Hellenic Council representative –Office of Multicultural Affairs representative Traffic and Parking: Executive VP –Director of Parking and Transit

University Budget Advisory –One vice president rotating every two years –Two year terms for faculty, heads/chairs, and deans University Safety Committee –Associate Director of Risk Management and Safety as chair –Executive Director of Information Technology or designee University Scholarship –Director of Scholars Program