I.C.T laws By Luke Honeyfield 12
Laws relating to I.C.T Copyright, Design, Patents Data protection ACT Computer misuse ACT Health and safety
+ copyright
Copyright gives the author, certain types of material rights to control the use or commercial exploitation of the work that he or she has created. If you commit this offence then you will go to jail for up to 5 years.
Data protection ACT
This is a piece of U.K. legislation that has been passed to protect your rights as an individual to have your personal data collected, stored and used in a suitable manner.
Computer misuse ACT
The Computer Misuse Act enables people to be prosecuted if they commit one of the following offences: 1. Unauthorised access to computer material 2. Unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime 3. Unauthorised modification of computer material. This mainly relates to hacking and distributing viruses although other computer related crimes can be tried under this Act. If you are found guilty of these offences you could face up to a five year prison sentence and a very hefty fine.
Health & safety
Health and Safety The terms 'health' and 'safety' tend to be put together. However, they are really two different things. 'Health' refers to keeping the body safe and free from disease, illness or trauma. Some health issues related to using the computer are: backache headaches eye strain RSI DVT Everyone has the right to be safe at work and so the Health and Safety at Work Act was passed. Amongst many other things, it tries to reduce the risk of injury to people who use the computer at work. It stipulates that people should have ergonomic, adjustable chairs, that lighting should be adequate, that desks should not have glossy, reflective surfaces, that monitors should be adjustable, as well as many other things.