SOSC 200Y Gender and Society Lecture 5: Rethinking Gender Socialization
L5: Gender Socialization
L5: Inadequacy of Gender Socialization Source of influence –Other institutes –Peer groups, siblings, etc. Direction of influence –Children’s reaction Role of the receivers –Social learning approach –Cognitive approach: identification
L5: Critique of Socialization Theory Too simple (simplify the reality): Experience at home Parents-children interaction Toys, books, cartoons, etc. Experience in school Teachers-students interaction Structure and setting of schools Single sex schools
L5: Critique of Socialization Theory Too deterministic: How to understand deviant cases? “tomboy” and “sissies” Cases of gay and lesbian How to understand the change of social norm and social culture? Increasing number of career-women Increased involvement of men in household duties.
L5: Rethinking Gender Socialization Methods of identifying stereotypes –Selecting only the supportive evidence? –Gender-bias or reflecting the social reality? The involvement of all people/ all institutions in society –Families, schools, media, churches, etc. are all enemy of women? –Why they would have the same goal?
L5: E.g. Gender representation in textbooks Pictorial Representation of males and females Kinds of activitiesMaleFemale Doing housework01 Working268 Studying/ at school25 Playing188 Relaxing44 Engaging in social activities619 Engaging in personal/ family activities145 Other2311 Total9352
L5: Further questions Who benefits from the sex-segregated world? Who benefits from the gender-inequality? Who are the main source of socialization at home and in school? Why the parents would do something bad and harmful to their children (daughters)?
L5: First Tutorial (this Thursday and Friday) Gender Socialization at Home (week 3) Share your experience as a daughter or a son at home during your childhood and adolescence. Recall your toys, clothes, assigned duties and parental treatment. What was expected to be a good daughter and sister? What was expected to be a good son and brother? Do you think the practices in your home influence your gender identity, thinking and behaviour? Can we explain all this with the concept of sex role socialization? Readings: Wharton, A. (2005) The Sociology of Gender: An Introduction to Theory and Research, Malden: Blackwell Publication, p ; Maccoby, E. (1998) The Two Sexes: Growing Up Apart, Coming Together, Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, p