Information Assessment Method* Systematic and comprehensive assessment of relevance, cognitive impact, use of information and patient health outcomes, derived from Electronic Knowledge Resources Potential applications 1.For KT Science: Compare electronic knowledge resources 2.For authors: Maintain the quality of electronic knowledge resources 3.For end-users: Documentation of brief self- directed e-learning (e.g., for claiming continuing education credit) *
Three versions of IAM 1.PUSH context E.g. rating an InfoPOEM, delivered by 2.PULL context, mobile device, database E.g. rating a Cochrane abstract, retrieved from Essential Evidence Plus 3.PULL context, web, e-Book E.g. rating a highlight retrieved from one chapter in e-Therapeutics
Information Assessment Method*: Studies published by the developers 1.Grad RM, Pluye P, Mercer J et al (2008). Impact of Research-based Synopses Delivered as Daily A Prospective Observational Study. JAMIA 15(2): Pluye P, Grad RM, Mysore N, Knaapen L, Johnson-Lafleur J & Dawes M (2007). Systematically Assessing the Situational Relevance of Electronic Knowledge Resources: A Mixed Methods study. JAMIA 14: Pluye P, Grad RM, Dawes M & Bartlett JC (2007). Seven reasons why family physicians search clinical information-retrieval technology: Toward an organizational model. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 13(1): Grad RM, Pluye P, Hanley J, Marlow, B, Macaulay A & Dalkir K (2007). Validation of a Method to Assess the Impact of Electronic Knowledge Resources on Clinicians. e-Service Journal, 5(2):e Pluye P & Grad R (2006). Cognitive impact assessment of electronic knowledge resources: A mixed methods evaluation study of a handheld prototype. AMIA 2006 Symposium Proceedings: Pluye P, Grad RM, Dunikowski L & Stephenson R (2005). The Impact of Clinical Information- Retrieval Technology on Physicians: A Literature Review of Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed- method Studies, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 74(9): Pluye P, Grad RM, Stephenson R & Dunikowski L (2005) A new impact assessment method to evaluate knowledge resources. AMIA 2005 Symposium Proceedings: Grad RM, Pluye P, Meng Y, Segal B & Tamblyn R (2005). Assessing the impact of clinical information-retrieval technology in a Family Practice Residency. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice,11(6): Grad RM, Meng Y, Bartlett G, Dawes M, Pluye P, Boillat M, Rao G & Thomas R (2005). Effect of a PDA-assisted Evidence-Based Medicine course on knowledge of common clinical problems. Family Medicine, 37(10): Pluye P & Grad RM (2004). How information retrieval technology may impact on physician practice: An organisational case study in family medicine. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 10(3), *The McGill Office of Technology Transfer has filed a US patent application in support of this method: