BALTIC SEA REGION UNIVERSITY NETWORK BALTIC SEA REGION UNIVERSITY NETWORK Grodno 28 May 2010 Kari Hyppönen Chairman of Steering Committee President-Elect.


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Presentation transcript:

BALTIC SEA REGION UNIVERSITY NETWORK BALTIC SEA REGION UNIVERSITY NETWORK Grodno 28 May 2010 Kari Hyppönen Chairman of Steering Committee President-Elect

Bilateral Co-operation Agreements St. Petersburg State University1966 University of Gdansk1979 University of Rostock1981 University of Tartu1987 Gdansk University of Technology1991 Vilnius University1992

Baltic Sea Region University Network BSRUN

Background and Rationale university, city and region interest in the Baltic Sea region enlargement of the EU not just another TEMPUS project learning from your neighbours cross-border co-operation

Background and Rationale to enhance interest in the region to market the region elsewhere to enhance co-operation between networks facilitator exchange of experiences, best practices and new ideas to establish new institutional links

Background and Rationale loose umbrella organisation to pick and choose according to one's wishes and needs variety of institutional profiles only a small secretariat host university covers coordination expenses participants cover their own expenses

Baltic Sea Region University Network 28 Feb 2000 Turku and 15 universities from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia Saaremaa University Centre 2002 University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Braniewo Centre 2003 Baltic Fishing Fleet State Academy, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, ISM University of Management and Economics, Kaliningrad State Technical University and Pultusk Academy of Humanities 2004 Grodno State Agrarian University

Baltic Sea Region University Network 2005 Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Grodno State Medical University, Kaunas University of Medicine, Latvia University of Agriculture, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Šiauliai University, University of Warsaw, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius Pedagogical University and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno 2006 Petrozavodsk State University, St.Petersburg University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Turku School of Economics, Vytautas Magnus University and Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University 2007 Mykolas Romeris University 2008 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Baltic Sea Region University Network BELARUS  Belarusian State Agricultural Academy  Grodno State Agrarian University  Grodno State Medical University  Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno ESTONIA  Estonian University of Life Sciences  Tallinn University of Technology  Tallinn University  University of Tartu FINLAND  (Turku School of Economics)  University of Turku

Baltic Sea Region University Network LATVIA  Latvia University of Agriculture  Riga Technical University  University of Latvia LITHUANIA  ISM University of Management and Economics  Kaunas University of Medicine  Kaunas University of Technology  Klaipeda University  Lithuanian University of Agriculture  Mykolas Romeris University  Šiauliai University  Vilnius Academy of Arts  Vilnius Gediminas Technical University  Vilnius Pedagogical University  Vilnius University  Vytautas Magnus University

Baltic Sea Region University Network POLAND  Gdansk University of Technology  Medical University of Gdansk  Pultusk Academy of Humanities  University of Gdansk  University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (UWM)  University of Warsaw  Warsaw School of Economics

Baltic Sea Region University Network RUSSIA  Baltic Fishing Fleet State Academy  Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia  Immanuel Kant State University of Russia  Kaliningrad State Technical University  Petrozavodsk State University  St. Petersburg State University  St. Petersburg University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics  Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University

Focus of Co-operation Baltic Studies and Baltic Sea Region studies Distance Education and Open and Distance Learning European Integration and European Studies Institutional Management and Administration Internationalisation Management Information Systems and Information Technology Regional Development

The Baltic Sea Region University Network Front page News Looking for a partner Saaremaa University Centre Vacancies General information Agreement Members Organisation Contacts Steering Committee Activities Seminars and Meetings Joint Research projects Fields of study Courses in English

Activities Baltic Seminar of University Administrators BSUA Riga, Latvia, September 2000 Kaunas, Lithuania, 7-8 May 2001 Tartu, Estonia, 6-7 May 2002 Kaliningrad, Russia, May 2003 Warsaw, Poland, May 2004 Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2005 St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2006 Turku, Finland, May 2007 Gdansk, Poland, May 2008 Riga, Latvia, May 2009

Activities Quality and Qualifications in Translation and Interpreting Vilnius, Lithuania, 7-8 December 2006 Tallinn, Estonia, November 2007 Kaliningrad, Russia, 8-9 October 2008 Grodno, Belarus, 8-9 October 2009 (St. Petersburg, 1-2 November 2010) Staff exchange between Grodno and Turku and library development

Activities Universities as Active Agents in the Social and Economic Development of the Regions Grodno, Belarus, April 2006 University, City, Region: Perspectives of Interaction Grodno, Belarus, September 2008 Quality and Qualifications in Translation and Interpreting IV Grodno, Belarus, 8-9 October 2009


New professional groups/organisations Institutional organisations Professional organisations Vast variety of international events, not all based on membership - who decides who goes where? - budgeting: central admin/faculty/dept Membership - institutional/individual/mixed - who decides?/who pays? - administration/institutional contact

STATUS A multilateral agreement between member institutions The coordinating institution acts as the legal entity when so required OBJECTIVES A network for University Governance, Management and Administration In addition, a platform to new ideas, contacts and projects

MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA The right to award Doctorates Membership of the national rector’s conference and/or European University Association (EUA) When BSRUN was established, the founding group consisted of universities which had bilateral and other links between them. Established networks and bilateral links will be taken into consideration also in the future. Geographical region Members should geographically come primarily from the Baltic Sea drainage area. Co-operation is enhanced with NUAS (Nordic countries) and EAIR and ESMU (Europe and globally). Co-operation with the Baltic University Programme, the Northern Dimension Institute and the University of Arctic will be explored.

Current membership as of 1st July 2010 Belarus  Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Estonia  Estonian University of Life Sciences  Tallinn University of Technology  Tallinn University  University of Tartu Finland  University of Turku

Latvia  Latvia University of Agriculture  Riga Technical University  University of Latvia Lithuania  Kaunas University of Technology  Klaipeda University  Lithuanian University of Agriculture  Mykolas Romeris University  Siauliai University  Vilnius Gediminas Technical University  Vilnius Pedagogical University  Vilnius University  Vytautas Magnus University

Poland  Gdansk University of Technology  Medical University of Gdansk  University of Warmia and Mazury  University of Warsaw  Warsaw School of Economics Russia  Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia  I.Kant State University of Russia  Kaliningrad State Technical University  North-West State Technical University  Petrozavodsk State University  St. Petersburg State University  St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance  Yaroslav-The-Wise Novgorod State University

Composition of BSRUN Steering Committee Belarus Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno ) Finland University of Turku (University of Turku) Estonia University of Tartu (Tallinn University) Latvia University of Latvia (Riga Technical University)

Lithuania Vilnius University (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University) Siauliai University (Vytautas Magnus University) Poland Warsaw School of Economics (Warsaw University) Gdansk University of Technology (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn) Russia St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance) Immanuel Kant State University of Russia (Yaroslav-the Wise Novgorod State University)

Erasmus Mundus Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Triple I Integration, Interaction and Institutions The objective is to create an active network of Russian and European universities that cooperate multidisciplinarily and multilaterally, and promote innovation through joint research, education, and exchange of experience and good practices.

European universities University of Algarve (Portugal) University of Bologna (Italy) University of Deusto (Spain) University of Göttingen (Germany) Humboldt University Berlin (Germany) University of Leuven (Belgium) Middle East Technical University (Turkey) Pultusk Academy of Humanities (Poland) University of Turku (Finland) (University of Latvia) Russian universities Higher School of Economics Immanuel Kant State University of Russia Irkutsk State University Kazan State University Petrozavodsk State University Russian State University for the Humanities St. Petersburg State University Udmurt State University Ural State University Yaroslav-The-Wise Novgorod State University

LOT 7 CountriesMobilities Ukraine80 Moldova60 Belarus60 One grant max EUR 5,3 million Coordinator University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain New Member: University of Turku

Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) EuroFaculty programme Tartu University, the University of Latvia and Vilnius University Immanuel Kant State University of Russia (Kaliningrad) - Economics and Law Pskov State Polytechnic Institute and Pskov Volny Institute - Business Economics/Business Administration

Thank you!