Lesson One Word List
abate (verb) To become weaker; to decrease After hours of wind and rain, the storm finally abated enough that we could go outside and survey the damage.
acknowledge (verb) 1. to admit the existence of Bobo finally acknowledged that he was a chocoholic and had no power over his “dark master”. 2. to express recognition or thanks for Clay Buchholtz acknowledged the fans by tipping his cap as he left the mound.
agent (noun) 1. a person who acts or does business for another Scott Boras is a famous sports agent who often gets his clients contracts worth millions of dollars. 2. something that brings about a result Although gasoline is flammable, fire is the agent that causes it to combust.
authority (noun) 1. the right to give orders, make decisions, or take action. The principal has the authority to declare a lockdown here in the middle school. 2. an expert source of information Bobo is a nationally recognized authority on daddy long-legs.
devastate (verb) 1. to ruin or destroy completely If Hurricane Earl had directly struck Westerly, it would have devastated our beaches and adjacent homes.
epidemic (noun) the rapid spreading of a disease over a wide area Last year at this time everyone was worried that the “Bird Flu”, H1N1, would become an epidemic.
estimate (noun or verb) 1. (noun) a number that is not exact; a careful guess The carpenter gave me an estimate of $2500 to redo my bathroom. 2. (verb) to figure out roughly; to make an approximate calculation Scientists estimate that sun is 200 billion years old.
evict (verb) to force out of property by taking legal action The landlord evicted Bobo for setting off fireworks in his kitchen… on three separate occasions!
impartial (adjective) not favoring one side more than another; fair; unbiased It is imperative that referees be impartial when working a game.
industrious (adjective) hard working; not lazy It is a proven fact that all seventh graders are industrious when it comes to school work…………….wait for it………Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, cough, wheeze, ha, ha, etc.
infuriate (verb) to make very angry If you want to infuriate Mr. Gouvin just walk into his room without your book, blowing a bubble, and ask for a pencil so you can finish your homework.
irrelevant (adjective) having nothing to do with the subject Many students feel that homework is irrelevant to academic success.
precise (adjective) exact; accurate A brain surgeon must be precise with his incisions because millimeters count.
sham (noun,verb) 1. (noun) something fake or false Bobo bought a product that claimed to re-grow hair, but it turned out to be a sham. 2. (verb) to pretend Oslow shammed a sprained ankle to get out of soccer practice.
trek (noun, verb) 1. (noun) a long, slow, difficult journey The bicyclist’s trek up Mt. Washington took seven hours. 2. (verb) to travel slowly and with difficulty Bobo and Jennifer trekked from Rhode Island to Colorado on a scooter in January.