1 Depression Health Psychology M. Grace Turner 27 Sep 2005
2 What is Depression? ( Physiology) It is NOT bipolar. It is NOT bipolar. Brain Functions (Video) Brain Functions (Video) Brain Functions (Video) Brain Functions (Video) Many forms of depression exist. Many forms of depression exist. Two major types of depression: Two major types of depression:_________________________ -DSM-IV defines MDD as ‘a period of at least two weeks where a person experiences five or more symptoms, during which there is either a depressed mood or the loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all activities’. - For some people, episodes are recurrent, lasting once/mo, yr, or several times throughout their lives.
3 What is Depression (Physiology) _______________ -DSM-IV defines this illness as ‘a state of overwhelming, yet chronic depression, exhibited by a depressed mood for most days experiencing two or more symptoms lasting at least two years’. -Chronic form of depression. Depression often coexists with other mental and physical illnesses, such as ______________, eating disorders, and anxiety disorders. Depression often coexists with other mental and physical illnesses, such as ______________, eating disorders, and anxiety disorders.
4 Who is at risk? (Occurrence) Anyone is at risk for depression. Anyone is at risk for depression. May occur at any age, but frequently develops between the ages of __________. May occur at any age, but frequently develops between the ages of __________. Although the majority of people experience at least one depressive episode during their life, it is not a ‘________’ part of aging. Although the majority of people experience at least one depressive episode during their life, it is not a ‘________’ part of aging. During a single life time, as many as 25% of women, and 12% of men may suffer from ______. During a single life time, as many as 25% of women, and 12% of men may suffer from ______.
5 Signs of Depression Warning signs: Prolonged ________ Prolonged ________ Unexplained crying spells Unexplained crying spells Significant changes in sleep patterns or appetite Significant changes in sleep patterns or appetite Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, or anxiety Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, or anxiety Loss of energy, persistent lethargy Loss of energy, persistent lethargy Social withdrawal Social withdrawal Inability to take pleasure in former interests Inability to take pleasure in former interests Inability or difficulty concentrating Inability or difficulty concentrating Recurring thoughts or talk of ____________ Recurring thoughts or talk of ____________ Feelings of guilt, hopeless-ness, or worthlessness Feelings of guilt, hopeless-ness, or worthlessness
6 Is there Help? (Treatment) Medications Medications ______________________ (grouped based on what chemical in the brain they affect) ______________________ (grouped based on what chemical in the brain they affect) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) -Lexapro, Zoloft, Prozac, & Paxil Serotonin and norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) -Effexor, Cymbalta Serotonin and norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) -Effexor, Cymbalta Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs) -Wellbutrin Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs) -Wellbutrin _______________ -Elavil, Aventyl, Pamelor _______________ -Elavil, Aventyl, Pamelor
7 Is there Help? (Treatment) Medications con’t Medications con’t Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) -Nardil, Marplan; Least used medication b/c of its serious side effects. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) -Nardil, Marplan; Least used medication b/c of its serious side effects. Talk Therapy Talk Therapy _________________ or “talk therapy” can sometimes work alone in cases of mild to moderate depression, but may also be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment. _________________ or “talk therapy” can sometimes work alone in cases of mild to moderate depression, but may also be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment. There are several types of psychotherapy including interpersonal, marriage & family, cognitive behavioral, and group. There are several types of psychotherapy including interpersonal, marriage & family, cognitive behavioral, and group.
8 Is there Help? (Treatment) Herbal or Natural Remedies Herbal or Natural Remedies Dietary supplements include Omega-3, St. John’s wort, and SAM-e. Dietary supplements include Omega-3, St. John’s wort, and SAM-e. Recent studies have shown that herbal tx, such as St. John’s wort, may interfere with beneficial effects of some medications. Recent studies have shown that herbal tx, such as St. John’s wort, may interfere with beneficial effects of some medications. ________________________________ ________________________________ Used extreme or rare conditions ONLY. Used extreme or rare conditions ONLY. A painless procedure where mild electrical stimulation is sent to the brain, causing brief seizures, which in turn, relieve the depression. A painless procedure where mild electrical stimulation is sent to the brain, causing brief seizures, which in turn, relieve the depression. An average of ______________ sessions over a three to four week period is required to complete tx. An average of ______________ sessions over a three to four week period is required to complete tx.
9 How can I Help? (Support) Support and encouragement from family and friends makes a difference. Support and encouragement from family and friends makes a difference. If you or someone you know is depressed call: If you or someone you know is depressed call: AU Student Counseling Services AU Student Counseling Services (334) , 2086 AUMC (334) , 2086 AUMC M-F 8a-5p M-F 8a-5p AU Psychological Services Center AU Psychological Services Center (334) , 1119 HC M-Th 7:45a-7p, F 7:45a-4:45p M-Th 7:45a-7p, F 7:45a-4:45p
10 How can I Help? (Support) Crisis Center of EAMC (334) , Opelika, Al (334) , Opelika, Al Su-Th 8a-12a, F & Sa 24hrs Su-Th 8a-12a, F & Sa 24hrs Crisis or Suicide Hotline (205) Birmingham Hot line (205) Birmingham Hot line (800) Nat’l Hope line Network (800) Nat’l Hope line Network (800) 273-TALK (8255) Nat’l Suicide Hotline (800) 273-TALK (8255) Nat’l Suicide Hotline