CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Multisegmented Straws: Motivation Construction Test HV-Front end Sotware status Summary&Outlook
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker MuCH STT RPC high spatial resolution high rate capability high radiation length high efficiency high robustness low occupancy ? 0.01 hit/(cm2 event)
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Spacer single straw geometry 4 m; 4 mm robustness high detection efficiency 100% geom. acceptance 97%/m rate capability 4 MHz/cm2 spatial resolution 200 m radiation length 0.2 % X0 granularity > 10 cm2 occupancy > 10%
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Spacer single straw single straws
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Spacer single straws geom. acceptance (1-3/L[cm])100% 90% L=30cm granularity 12 cm2 occupancy > 10%
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Spacer single straw single straws New development for CBM (Patent): segmented straw end-plug spacer
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Spacer single straw segmented straw end-plug spacer x/X0 = 1 % granularity 2 cm2 occupancy 2%
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Spacer contact resistance ~ 1 Ω
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Spacer length of the insensitive detector part: 2 * 5 mm 18 mm 5 mm 4.5 mm 0 mm 10 mm
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Spacer length of the insensitive detector part: 2 * 5 mm
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Flex-cable HV supply + anode signal one connector at the wire output
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Flex-cable HV supply + anode signal one connector at the wire output ~1mm
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Flex-cable HV supply + anode signal one connector at the wire output ~1mm crosstalk ~ 1% /m capacity 20 pF /m BV 3 kV x /X0 0.1%
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Flex-cable signal 50/1 noise
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Flex-cable signal attenuation measurement, simulation < 10% /m
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Flex cable signal attenuation measurement < 10% /m
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Flex-cable geometry - a large area very thin sheet Frontend Frontend
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Flex-cable HF and controlled impedance design for the HADES MDC-1 anode signal connectors MDC-1 crosstalk 1.5% capacity 15 pF impedance 122 Ω
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Flex-cable multilayer PCB‘s (Stiff-Flexible-Cable) for the HADES MDC-1 anode signal connectors
HV connections to 32 channels CBM - Straw Tube Tracker HV-board HV connections to 32 channels 1 ………………..32 design: -the number of HV electrical circuits is equal to the number of segmented wires -a unit consists of 32 HV circuits -a unit is placed on the motherboard -advantages: easy handling (replacement, repair etc.) -problems: high density of components (one circuit per mm) providing of sufficient BV, robustness and minimization of the leakage current
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker HV-board Object realization HV robustness is the main problem! HV components HV Strip HV SMT components: inexpensive; high density and flex assembling; But it need Hi technology in production HV encapsulation We have to propose to use regular single units with flex connections for segments included. Each unit will pass assembly, cleaning, drying and full HV test before installation on the mother board.
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker HV-board Unit design Multi-layer PCB ; Opposite side is continuous GND plane; Blind hole technology; The unit (32x74x7 mm3) supplies 32 channels (8 tubes x 4 segments); 4 zone of incasulation 3 flex circuits go to wires; Non soldered straw connection GND (see Fig.3); Output connector for Front-End electronic Units will be installed on the mother board 1-st zone (flex incapsulation & out) 2-nd zone (HV components incapsulation) 3-d zone (flex incapsulation & out) 4-th zone Out connector
The main prototype elements (area of HV circuits) CBM - Straw Tube Tracker HV-board The main prototype elements (area of HV circuits) -All HV units are placed on the motherboard; -Motherboard transfers signals and GNDs from the first segment to the HV units and is a shield for units; -Motherboard is a common element for gas manifold and HV units box; -Cover is a shield for units box too; -Chain HV connections are provided by HV jumpers between units.
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker (stt) Software status Geometry and MC point generation ready Hit Maker ready Reconstruction: - global tracking with Kalman filter soon available a standalone track finder under develop. Contact person: Alexander Zinchenko
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker (stt) Software status Implementation of one stt module
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Summary&Outlook R&D successful finished for: - segmented anods - segmented straws - transmission lines R&D not finished for: - high density readout with high potential (3 kV) R&D for HV and gas supply started Implementation of the Straw Tube Tracker in the CBM software started
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker Summary&Outlook MC implementation: -input for specified hardware requirements Prototype test: -double-layer (2*48) multifold segmented straw detector is under construction and will be tested in June/July 08 The Straw Tube Tracker with segmented straws fulfill the CBM requirements!
CBM - Straw Tube Tracker JINR, Dubna – V. Peshekhonov, V. Lucenko, V. Mialkowski, D. Peshekhonov, A. Savenkov, K. Viryasov, A. Zinchenko Lebedev PI, Moscow – V. Tikhomirov Petersburg NPI, Gatchina – D. Seliverstov, E. Chernishova, L. Kudin, A. Nadtochi Univ. of Technology, Warsaw – K. Zaremba, J. Marzec FZ Jülich – P. Wintz FZ Dresden - Rossendorf, – L. Naumann GSI-INTAS-8729