Logical DB Design 5. 1 CSE2132 Database Systems Week 5 Lecture Logical Database Design
Logical DB Design 5. 2 Logical DB Design in the System Lifecycle Project Identification and Selection Project Initiation and Planning Logical design Analysis Physical design Implementation Maintenance Conceptual Data Modeling Enterprise Modeling Logical Database Design Physical Database Design Database Implementation } DB Maintenance
Logical DB Design 5. 3 Logical Database Design Performed by Data Analysts and Database Administrators Steps 1. Conceptual Model (ER Diagram) mapped onto a logical model dependent on the DBMS characteristics. (The group of slides following numbered 1 to 8) 2. De-normalization (Optimize for efficiency). (The remaining slides in the lecture)
Logical DB Design 5. 4 Logical Database Design Inputs – Conceptual Model (E-R Diagram ). – Operational Requirements ( Response, Security etc. ) – Volume and Usage Quantification. – Consistency Constraints(Referential and User Integrity). – High Level Program Specification. – DBMS Characteristics. Outputs –DBMS Processable Schema. –Subschemas. –Specifications for Physical Design. –Program Design Guidelines. –Guide to Database Operations.
Logical DB Design 5. 5 E-R Diagram to Relational Model *Convert the ER Diagram to Tables * Transform the Attributes in the ER Diagram to columns * Identify the Primary Keys * Identify the Referential Constraints Overview
Logical DB Design 5. 6 EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT PROJECTSUPERVISION DEPENDENT DEPENDENTS_OF WORKS_ON MANAGES WORKS_FOR CONTROLS N N1 N N M FnameLname Name Sex Address Salary Snn Bdate StartDate Name Number Locations Hours Name Number Location NameSexBirthdate 1 N E/R Diagram
Logical DB Design 5. 7 ENTITY TABLE PRIMARY KEY Employee Employee Employee.SSN Department Department Department.Number Project Project Project.Number 1. Each Entity becomes a Table
Logical DB Design 5. 8 For each weak entity create a table - include the Primary Key attribute of the owner tables The Primary Key becomes the :-. owner key plus the weak entity key Entity Table Primary Key Dependent Dependent Employee.SSN + Dependent.Name 2. Weak Entities become Tables
Logical DB Design 5. 9 For each binary 1:1 relationship choose the entity with total participation and include the relationship attributes in that entity EMPLOYEE MANAGES DEPARTMENT - departments must always have a manager - employees are not always managers Department has mandatory participation in the relationship. - include the attributes of MANAGES (Start Date) and the primary key of EMPLOYEE (SSN) in the DEPARTMENT entity ( named so as to indicate role Mgrssn ) 3. One to One Relationships
Logical DB Design For each 1:N relationship - float the PK from the from the entity on the 1 side to the entity on the N(many) side where it will become a foreign key. If the relationship has any attributes they will also float to the N(many) side. EMPLOYEE WORKS_FOR DEPARTMENT N 1 Department Number is moved into the Employee entity 4. 1:N Relationships - Float the PK
Logical DB Design For each M:N relationship create a new table with the Primary key being the the PK of both entities involved in the relationship plus any attributes of the relationship. EMPLOYEE WORKS_ON PROJECT E# HOURS P# E1 P1 3 E1 P2 4 E2 P1 5 E3 P M:N Relationships
Logical DB Design For each multivalued attribute create a new relation. The Primary Key is the PK of the entity plus the multivalued attribute. DEPARTMENT LOCATION TABLE PRIMARY KEY DEPARTMENT_LOCATIONS DEPARTMENT LOCATION D1 MELB D1 SYD D2 MELB 6. Multivalued Attributes
Logical DB Design For N-ary ( more than binary) Relationships create a new entity and float the Primary Key of each entity involved in the relationship to the new entity. Supplier supplies Parts from Cities TABLES PRIMARY KEY SUPPLIER_PARTS_CITIES S# P# C# S1 NUT MELB S1 NUT SYD 7. N-ary Relationships
Logical DB Design Fname Lname SSN Bdate Address Dno Salary Superssn Sex Dname DnumberMgrssn Mgrstartdate Dnumber Dlocation Essn Pno Hours Pname Pnumber Plocation Dno Essn Dependent_name Sex Bdate EMPLOYEE (100) DEPARTMENT(10) DEPT_LOCATIONS (15) WORKS_ON(500) PROJECT (20) DEPENDENT (200) p.k f.k p.k f.k NOT NULL NOT NULL f.k 8. Include Volumes for each Table in the Data Structure Diagram
Logical DB Design Delete/Update Restricted/Nullifies/Cascades Setting the Referential Integrity Constraint Actions can be performed as follows:-. if the Foreign Key is part of PK then you should use CASCADES - ESSN is part of PK in WORKS_ON. if the participation constraint is total( mandatory) - use RESTRICTED - MGRSSN (Depts must have a MGR). if the participation constraint is partial(optional) - use NULLIFIES DNO in EMPLOYEE Nb: These are guidelines and the choice depends on the business rules. Referential Integrity
Logical DB Design Optimisation - maximise/minimise a strength/weakness of a resource Therefore, we must know the characteristics of resources - cost/performance List expensive resources List cheap resources Optimize the Logical Model
Logical DB Design Application Development Time Execution Time of Transactions Data Storage Size Flexibility to Changing requirements. trade-off between the above depending on the priorities of the user (User Level Agreement) Measure Success Optimization Against
Logical DB Design Time to develop a system is kept to a minimum if the design is simple - ensuring no complex relationships - no tricks - must have staff who are familiar with products and use Rapid Application Development techniques Optimisation of Development Time
Logical DB Design Reduce the amount of energy used against critical paths (Translates to : - reduce the amount of work against access paths) Use Indexes Use Controlled Redundancy Add control Fields(Derived Columns) Add Key Data Elemental Redundancy Split Like Fields due to Unlike Requirements (Table Splitting) Optimisation of Execution Time
Logical DB Design CUSTOMER ORDER Tradeoff against flexibility - waste space, extra maintenance, more programming, more program work > 20% redundancy - design problems CUSTOMER C#, CName, CAddress, CStatus ORDER O#, C#, OTotal, ODate Redundancy - General Comments
Logical DB Design CUSTOMER C#, CName, CAddress, CStatus, CBalance ORDER O#, C#, OTotal, ODate - totals are stored rather than calculated at query time Add Control Fields (Derived Columns)
Logical DB Design This may be characterized as moving information from the child table to the parent table. CUSTOMER C#, CName, CAddress, CStatus, Last_O#, Last_ODate ORDER O#, C#, OTotal, ODate - this will allow us to bring back the most recent order and answer queries such as “What was the last date Customer Smith made an order?” Add Key Data
Logical DB Design This may be characterized as moving information from the parent table to the child table. CUSTOMER C#, CName, CAddress, CStatus ORDER O#, C#, OTotal, ODate, Caddress - when we go to print out the Invoice we will not need to go to the Customer file to get the address Elemental Redundancy
Logical DB Design The table is split into two tables. The attributes (or fields) have quite different usage patterns. CUSTOMER C#, CName, CAddress CUSTOMER BATCH C#, CStatus - the status is only used by the batch program “update status”. So removing it makes the record smaller thus more records fit on a page of memory and less physical I/O is required to process each of the files. Vertically Partition a Table
Logical DB Design Usually optimizing for efficiency is more important than optimizing for storage. EMP(E# C7, EAddress C60, EQualification C40) bytes 1000 emp x 107 bytes = bytes Using a CODE TABLE EMP(E# C7, EAddress C60, EQual_Code C3) - 70 bytes 1000 x 70 = bytes QUAL(Qual_Code C3, Qual_Desc 40) 43 x 500 = bytes Creation of a Table to Optimize Storage
Logical DB Design Optimization of Flexibility Do not de-normalize (ie. do not introduce redundancy). Choose a data model which maximises data independence. Create an elastic data structure i.e. one which is responsive to changing requirements e.g. rather than hardcode values in a program place the codes in a database.
Logical DB Design Physical Design Stored Record Design Choice of File Organization Indexes and Clustering Choice of Compression File Placement