Islam Newest of the Major Western Religions
Symbol Crescent moon and star
Followers Called Muslims Second largest religion (1.3 billion people) after Christianity (2 billion people) Rapidly growing
Located in The Middle East North Africa Southeast Asia
Founded by Muhammad in 600 AD in Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia
Developed out of Judaism and Christianity Archangel Gabriel gave Muhammad a message Jesus and Moses are Muslim prophets
Koran (Qur’an)= holy book
Allah = name of god
Mosque = Muslim place of worship Minarets = towers on the mosque Friday = holy day Imam = title of the preacher
Five Pillars of Islam Faith: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger” Prayer: pray five times a day facing Mecca Alms: give money to poor Fasting: not eating during the day during the month of Ramadan Pilgrimage: Journey to Mecca to go around the Kaaba seven times
Government and church are the same Their constitution is the Koran
Allowed four wives
Cannot eat pork or drink alcohol
Women wear veils and some wear burkas
Jihad = holy war Koran says to make war on the infidel (non- believers) If you die in a jihad, you will go to heaven
Two branches of Islam Sunnis: 90% less strict Shiites: 10% very strict, especially to women Iran Iraq Afghanistan