New Skills for New Jobs Anticipating and Matching Labour Market and Skills Needs Julie Fionda European Commission, DG Education and Culture 2009 Techno.


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Presentation transcript:

New Skills for New Jobs Anticipating and Matching Labour Market and Skills Needs Julie Fionda European Commission, DG Education and Culture 2009 Techno TN Forum, 6 th June Brussels

2 2 Rationale for New Skills for New Jobs  Skills: a determinant factor for productivity and employment  Changes (demographic, globalisation, low-carbon economy, technological and organisational) require different and new skills  Skills shortages and mismatches: a growing concern in Member States  Address the short-term employment impact of the economic crisis and improve the long-term job prospects of the EU workforce

3 3 Meeting the Skills Challenge  A need to increase skills at all levels…  … but not just any skills : a need to match real labour market needs  … a quickly changing skills demand Improving capacities for skills assessment, anticipation and matching; Limits : projections are uncertain!

4 4 Political mandate of the initiative  The European Council Conclusions stressed that “Member States and the Commission should give priority to the implementation of the New Skills for New Jobs initiative” (December 2007)  “Invite the Commission to present a comprehensive assessment of the future skills requirements in Europe up to 2020, taking account of the impacts of technological change and ageing populations and to propose steps to anticipate future needs. Economic migration can play a role in meeting the needs of the labour market and can contribute to help skills shortages” (March 2008)

5 The 2008 Communication A first assessment of future skill needs based mainly on Cedefop work, but also on Eurofound studies and academic research Policy recommendations and actions

6 A first assessment Past and future structure of jobs by education attainment level: a need for higher education attainment Source: Cedefop, data for EU 25

7 The “right” skills A growing demand from employers for transversal key competencies, such as problem-solving and analytical skills, self- management and communication skills, linguistic skills A broader portfolio of skills is required

8 Policy conclusions 1. Addressing mismatches 2. Strengthening the Union's capacity for forecasting and anticipation 3. Deepening international cooperation 4. Mobilising Community instruments

9 Thank you