A Flawed Peace
Jan. 18, 1919: conference at Palace of Versailles (Paris Peace Conference) 32 countries represented
I. The Allies Meet & Debate The Big Four: Woodrow Wilson (U.S.) Georges Clemenceau (Fr.) David Lloyd George (G.B.) Vittorio Orlando (Italy) Russia not represented (civil war) Germany & allies not represented
A. Wilson’s Plan for Peace Jan. 1918: Pres. Wilson drew up peace plan Fourteen Points: First four: End to secret treaties, freedom of seas, free trade, reduced nat’l armies & navies Fifth: Adjustment of colonies w/fairness toward colonial peoples Six thru Thirteen: Change borders & create new nations *Fourteenth Point: Proposed “general association of nations”
A. The Versailles Treaty Brit. & Fr. = destroy Germany! Compromise The Treaty of Versailles (June 28, 1919) League of Nations created (Fourteenth Point) Punished Germany: Lost territory & most of military Article 231: “war guilt clause” –war reparations! $32 bill. (1919) $394 bill. (2005) Territories = mandates of Allies
II. A Troubled Treaty Versailles Treaty = 1 of 5 treaties Created bitter feelings
A. The Creation of New Nations Western powers = separate treaties w/others Aust-Hung., Bulgaria, Ottomans New countries: Aust-Hung: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, & Yugoslavia Ottoman Emp: Turkey Russia: lost land
B. Peace Built on “Quicksand” Treaty of Versailles not successful U.S. rejected treaty (League of Nations) German = bitter & hatred Colonies’ independence was DENIED Italy & Japan WWII