CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS “Genesis 12:1-3” INTRODUCTION: (1.)In order for the caterpillar to emerge into a butterfly (The Promise), it first enters the cocoon (The Process). -We want the promise (SALVATION FOR ALL Rom.10:13) of -We want the promise (SALVATION FOR ALL Rom.10:13) of God WITHOUT going through the process. God WITHOUT going through the process. (2.)Salvation for ALL at NRS requires PREPARATION. -Luke 15:11-32 The father met the son halfway. -Luke 15:11-32 The father met the son halfway. *We want God to add to the church but we don’t want to *We want God to add to the church but we don’t want to meet people halfway because it makes us uncomfortable. meet people halfway because it makes us uncomfortable. -Luke 15:11-32 The father fixes up what he already has for -Luke 15:11-32 The father fixes up what he already has for the son (ring, robe, fatted calf). the son (ring, robe, fatted calf). *Preparation requires us to fix up what we already have *Preparation requires us to fix up what we already have for those coming! for those coming!
CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS “Genesis 12:1-3” INTRODUCTION: (3.)The process of God adding FRUIT/SOULS to the church is “Addition by Subtraction” (John 15:1-2). -God subtracts/purges those who aren’t bearing -God subtracts/purges those who aren’t bearing fruit/winning souls to his kingdom. fruit/winning souls to his kingdom. -God subtracts/prunes those who are bearing -God subtracts/prunes those who are bearing fruit/winning souls to bear more fruit. fruit/winning souls to bear more fruit. (4.)When the caterpillar sees what it can become (a butterfly), it doesn’t settle for being a caterpillar. -When NRS sees what we can become, we won’t settle -When NRS sees what we can become, we won’t settle for where we are. for where we are.
CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS “Genesis 12:1-3” BODY: (A.)VS.1 God tells Abram to get out of his country, away for his kindred, and away from his father’s house. -Greatness requires us to leave the familiar (NOT -Greatness requires us to leave the familiar (NOT DOCTRINE but certain things that may be dear but are DOCTRINE but certain things that may be dear but are no longer effective). no longer effective). (B.)VS.1 God tells Abram to go to a land that I WILL SHOW YOU (future tense). -Leaving the familiar requires faith (God doesn’t show -Leaving the familiar requires faith (God doesn’t show us the where until we first leave). us the where until we first leave).
CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS “Genesis 12:1-3” BODY: (C.)VS.2 God tells Abram that I will make the a great nation; this requires Abram to have children. -Abram’s wife, Sarai, is barren. -Abram’s wife, Sarai, is barren. *God uses impossible situations to make us great! *God uses impossible situations to make us great! *For NRS, this is 1 Church 4 Generation (serving every *For NRS, this is 1 Church 4 Generation (serving every generation is only possible with God). generation is only possible with God). (D.)VS.2-3 God promises to bless Abram to be a blessing to the entire world. -Salvation/Jesus came through Abram’s lineage. -Salvation/Jesus came through Abram’s lineage. *God is making us great to bless others (the community). *God is making us great to bless others (the community).
CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS “Genesis 12:1-3” CLOSE: (1.)Abram never asked to be great. -VS.2 God chooses Abram to be great. -VS.2 God chooses Abram to be great. *Who would ask for greatness knowing that the *Who would ask for greatness knowing that the process is painful? process is painful? *God chose NRS for greatness; WE MUST NOT FIGHT *God chose NRS for greatness; WE MUST NOT FIGHT THE PROCESS BUT YIELD TO IT! THE PROCESS BUT YIELD TO IT!