RCN Safety Representatives’ Conference Health Care – the way forward. Rosalind Roberts – Head of Delivery, Health and Work Division, Health and Safety Executive. 10 th November 2007
INTRODUCTION: Outline HSE’s current work plans to protect employees and the public in the healthcare sector Current Issues: –Sensible risk campaign –Merger of the HSC and HSE –Corporate manslaughter –Health Care Associated Infection
Sensible Risk Management: Principles for sensible risk management Department of Health ‘Independence Choice and risk: a guide to best practice in supported decision making’ Providing overall benefit to society by balancing risks and benefits, with a focus on reducing real risks
Key facts – the challenge: During 2006/07: 2.2 million people suffered from a work-related illness 646,000 of these were new cases 36 million days lost overall (1.5 days per worker) 30 million of which - due to work related ill health 6 million due to workplace injury
Key facts – the continuing challenge: Public sector: £4billion - cost of sickness absence 80% of which due to – mental ill-health and musculoskeletal disorders Health and Social Care Sector: Highest level of days lost Biggest cause of injury – slips/trips 1 assault for every 23 members of staff
HSE’s current plans: HSE Management Standards for stress Managing Sickness Absence and Return to Work Better backs Worker Involvement Programme Inspection and enforcement
Our Partners: POSHH Aims to raise standards and promote best practice Sub-group to the NHS Staff Council Tripartite committee - jointly chaired – by Staff Side, Kim Sunley RCN and NHS Employers Others - HSE, Healthcare Commission and Independent Healthcare Forum
Work underway: 2006/07 HSE delivered GB wide ‘Healthy Workplace Solutions’ workshops Aim- to help public sector implement the HSE management standards for work related stress and encourage good practice on managing sickness absence and return to work HSE webpage covering Management Standards:
What we are looking for DOING AWARE NOT AWARE NOT DOING INFORM Common agreements to: Risk assessment approach Terminology Evidence EDUCATE Develop and disseminate tools and approaches Management standards Web site Joint initiatives ENFORCE Training for enforcers Joint initiatives/case studies Links to intervention providers SELF REGULATE Continuous improvement Sharing Best practice
Current Issues: Merger of HSE and HSC: Consultation: ‘A stronger voice for health and safety’ Single non executive Board with Local Authorities as key partners Business as usual
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 New offence not a new duty Delivery of greater justice Police in lead, Crown Prosecution Service (COPFS) to prosecute and HSE as advisor Removes Crown immunity Application to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Current Issues:
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 How to prepare your business? Effective risk management of health and safety Demonstrable corporate governance and leadership New guidance: Leading health and safety: leadership actions for directors and board members The Act is available at: HSE webpage covering Act:
Lord Justice Sheen - Herald of Free Enterprise Inquiry “…. The Directors did not have any proper comprehension of what their duties were. From top to bottom the body corporate was infected with the disease of sloppiness…….”
Health Care Associated Infections Department of Health firmly committed to reducing HCAI. The Hygiene code came into force 1 st October Healthcare Commission - unannounced inspections at 120 NHS Trusts
HSE and Health Care Associated Infection Health and Safety legislation applies Healthcare Commission’s reports on Stoke Mandeville and Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Kent Police Service and HSE considering
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