1 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice Staff Shared Patient and Caregiver Stories Leading Practice Impact HIGH - Time SHORT - Cost MINIMAL Contents Practice Overview Objectives Practice Steps
2 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice Board members need the opportunity to “hear” from patients and caregivers about their care and work experiences, in order to connect the information and data they routinely receive, with people rather than just statistics. Although the most powerful patient and caregiver stories are shared by the patient and caregiver directly, this is not possible in all circumstances. Staff shared stories of “good, bad and ugly” experiences can be used in many venues and contribute greatly to putting “real people” into the conversations. Staff Shared Patient and Caregiver Stories in the Boardroom Leading Practice Practice Overview
3 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice Staff Shared Patient and Caregiver Stories Leading Practice Objectives
4 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice 1.GAIN BOARD APPROVAL Take a lead role in advocating that the board has the opportunity to hear patient and caregiver stories at the beginning of each board and board committee meeting. Your case can be developed utilizing the Practice and supporting resources. 2.ASSIGN A RESPONSIBILITY Designate an individual or department to align the Practice with the organization’s operating environment, lead the implementation, and coordinate and oversee the Practice effectiveness. The patient service department or an assigned staff member are logical candidates for this role. 3.ESTABLISH THE CRITERIA The story selection criteria should include; Strict observance of patient confidentiality requirements A mix of the “good, bad and ugly” Representative of patients and families in different care settings Representative of diverse caregiver roles and responsibilities Experiences within the last several months Don’t use open lawsuits 4. FIND THE RIGHT STORIES The sources for stories are numerous. Your patient service staff, the human resources department, medical department heads, nurse leaders, and physicians all have stories to contribute. When it is known that the stories are intended to be shared with the board, they will be “pushed” to you versus having to be “pulled.” Staff Shared Patient and Caregiver Stories Leading Practice Practice Steps
5 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice 5.CAPTURING THE STORY In addition to the patient and caregiver telling their stories directly, as addressed in the “Patient and Caregiver in the Boardroom” Leading Practice, there are several options for effectively capturing patient and caregiver stories; Interview and write a story Audio tape the interview Video tape the interview The organization should consider offering a short professional training course for those who will be conducting the interviews, as well as us of internal or external professional resources for video taping. The patient and caregiver interviews should be taken in an area free from interruptions and confidentiality requirements and specific requests should be respected at all times. 6.SHARING THE STORY The agenda for all board and board committee meetings should include five minutes for the board chair or a senior management member to present a patient and or caregiver story. Take the opportunity to tie the story with appropriate board discussion topics or to educate the board on specific challenges or opportunities. Staff Shared Patient and Caregiver Stories Leading Practice Practice Steps