VrRBO with THREDDS data store
Paths & URLs THREDDS server THREDDS data directory spidrd:/mnt/sdb2/devel/content/thredds/vir bo ViRBO
NetCDF granules Store catalog level metadata in VO Store granule level metadata in a section of the VO database Search the granules metadata using product-specific web form (link from a catalog metadata record) Upload NetCDF files into the Data Store Access data granules using OpenDAP
ViRBO file upload
Time series as THREDDS joins of NetCDF files Store catalog level metadata in VO Create a folder in the Data Store to store multiple NetCDF files Create a folder.ncml file in the Data Store to join multiple NetCDF files into one time series “database” Subselect (hyper-slab) time series from the joined “database” using OpenDAP protocol and clients (link from catalog metadata record)
Enhanced THREDDS Catalog Adds XML (NCML) metadata file to the binary granule NCML metadata can be used in WCS or rendered into HTML for a web client NCML granule data CAN NOT be searched using xQuery or xPath
Open questions What granule-level metadata schema? –NCML? Can’t get it directly from THREDDS… –CDFML? Can’t get only header using CDF2XML… –ECHO? No software extractors… –SPASE? No CDFML2SPASE, no use cases/samples How manipulate folders in the THREDDS Data Store? What OpenDAP viewer to use as default?