Getting in on the Ground Floor Why It Pays to be Involved in Your Community Before Scientific Controversies Arise Mike Phillips Professor of Geology Illinois Valley Community College Oglesby, Illinois
When Controversies Arise Government funding education & grants & agencies Land use planning resources, natural hazards, human- induced hazards Education curriculum, faculty, textbooks
Scientists’ Reactions Worry from afar Complain to colleagues Write a letter to the paper to the parties involved Speak at a hearing (testify!) Lead a rally!
Science to the Rescue!
Reception Who is this person? Who is she to tell us what to do? Where was he they before? Why should we listen? Distrusted…Dismissed…Discarded
One Source of Difficulty Town vs Gown Professionals move in create a separate community may not connect to existing social networks social comfort may not expect to stay
An Alternative to Town vs Gown Participate in your community Youth activities Community Activities Community organizations Adult education Local government Be a resource Be a member Be a familiar face
Be the “Go-To” person Build relationships Build respect Build trust
Youth Activities Classroom volunteer Present or lead a group 4H scouts Science fair judge Coach College students in the classroom
Adult Education Teacher education workshops field trips continuing education Community education continuing education educational extension parks & nature preserves
Community Activities Clean-ups - bring students Fairs/Festivals - booth/table Parades
Community Organizations Social Professional Service PTO/PTA Present Join Lead
Local Government School Board City Council State Legislators Federal Legislators Staff Appointed Boards
The BIG Step Take a leadership role… 4H or Scout Leader Organization Executive Board Advisory Board to Local Government School Board Political Activist (or Candidate…)
Be “The Geologist” Talk geology & science Display your affiliation pins clothing
What To Do? What are you comfortable doing? Who do you like to work with? What do you like to talk about How much time do you have? What works with what you are already doing? What can your students do?
The Result You know your neighbors & community leaders You understand the community Solicitation of your input Deference to your expertise Some “controversies” never arise
Thank you! Mike Phillips Geology Professor Illinois Valley Community College