The Union/ MSF Model for sustainable operational research The Union, Paris, France MSF, Brussels, Belgium
Background The Union and MSF have years of experience and are strongly advocate for operational research DOTS ‘Recording and Reporting’ information system in NTP allows data to be used to audit performance and to monitor results of interventions GFATM allows 10% of each grant for operational research. Funding now available.
Operational Research Training
Previous training models Class of 15 – 20 people One week course on methods and data handling Participants return to countries, but very few publish Why?? – reasons unclear – perhaps no financial support, no writing skills for publishing articles, no mentorship, no time
Union / MSF proposal for a new type of course Purpose: To develop the practical skills for conducting and publishing operational research Approach: Target-oriented Participants go through the whole research process and complete the course with a defined product Participants expected to train and lead others to maximise impact
Three modules Module 1: research questions and protocol development ( 5 days) – August Module 2: Data management and data analysis (5 days) – October Module 3: Paper writing, includes data presentation, interpretation and policy implications (5 days) - February
Target Audience Operational research fellows (mandatory) Successful applicants (doctor, nurse, paramedical officer, data analyst) No more than 12 participants in total per course. All three modules to be completed and these are funded through the Union
To be a successful applicant: Defined criteria:- –Engaged in programme work and will return to this work –Supervisors endorsement that they have time and opportunity to carry out the research –Competent in English and computer literate –Have done MPH or equivalent or come strongly recommended –There is a stated and acceptable mentor at country level –Funding for research can be acquired through other sources Application:- –Submit curriculum vitae plus two references –Complete application form with1/2 page written on programme problem and research question
Module 1 – Protocol development Define the research question Protocol development – authorship; aims and objectives; study population and sampling; definition of variables and outcomes; ethical issues; draft questionnaire or data collection instrument; logistics and budgets Outcome: draft protocol written by each participant
Tasks between Modules 1 and 2 Each participant must have refined the protocol with the mentor and should submit it within two weeks to: –The Union Ethics Advisory Group (EAG) –National Ethics Committee
Module 2 – Data management and analysis Purpose: efficient quality-assured data Content: analysis and presentation of data Outcome: draft instrument for electronic data entry
Tasks between Modules 2 and 3 Each participant must have completed their study, entered their data and validated their data set Each participant will also be encouraged to attend next module with a draft paper already written Participants send these to The Union before the course
Module 3 - Paper writing Principles of writing scientific papers Participants taken through how to write: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, references, acknowledgements, key words Learn how to do on-line submission Learn how to deal with peer review, point-by-point responses and revision of paper Learn how research may influence policy/practice Outcome: draft paper
Tasks after Module 3 Finalise draft paper with mentor’s support Submit paper to international peer- reviewed journal within two weeks of completing module 3
Operational Research Fellowships
1. Specific responsibilities Attend all three Operational research training modules Work under mentorship of local + Union staff Assume responsibility for research protocol development (including ethics submission), data collection and analysis
1. Specific responsibilities (cont) Paper written within 3 months of completion of research project Present research findings at national and international conferences Submit at least two papers per year to peer-reviewed journals
2. Skills and competencies Local health care personnel (doctors, paramedicals, nurses, data analysts) working in programmes, MOH or larger health care institutions Nurses are encouraged to apply
3. Selection process Strong recommendations from respected colleagues Strong support from directors of programmes or health institutions Good curriculum vitae plus two excellent references
4. Support Performance-based financial support One year contracts, renewable, can move from junior to senior fellowships Performance- based: failure to submit 2 papers in 12-months in which fellow is first author = no renewal of contract
4. Support (cont) Support to attend the mandatory training course of three modules on OR Support to attend national and international conferences where they will present their research Support to submit their papers for consideration of a PhD
5. Union Commitment Support for up to 6 Operational Research Fellows for 2 years initially Envisage long-term support
Conclusion about Training This is target-orientated training Product = papers that can influence policy and practice Long term vision = capacity building and development of leadership in operational research. Expand coverage by training the trainers.
Centre for Operational Research – The Union and MSF Belgium Anthony Harries Hans Rieder Don Enarson Mary Edginton Karen Bissell Selma Berger Nathalie Guillerm Cécile Sevel Tony Reid, MSF Belgium Rony Zacariah, MSF Belgium
Response from Participants Is there an interest for operational research training in countries, in regions, for particular professions? Does this Union/MSF approach fit with your needs? Are you able to allocate or find the funding for these courses? Centre for Operational Research