1 Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) February 2014 Timothy Fahey Equal Opportunity Assistant “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
2 DHA Vision “A joint, integrated, premier system of health, supporting those who serve in the defense of our country.” “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
3 MHS Objectives Promote more effective and efficient health operations through enhanced enterprise- wide shared services Deliver more comprehensive primary care and integrated health services using advanced patient-centered medical homes Coordinate care over time and across treatment settings to improve outcomes in the management of chronic illness, particularly for patients with complex medical and social problems Match personnel, infrastructure, and funding to current missions, future missions, and population demand Establish more inter-service standards/metrics, and standard process to promote learning and continuous improvement Create enhanced value in military medical markets using an integrated approach in 5- year business plans Align incentives with health and readiness outcomes to reward value creation Improve the health of the population by addressing determinants of health “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
I.Background II.Eligibility III.How the WRP Program Works IV.Agency Responsibilities V.Follow-On for WRP Students VI.Course of Actions VII.Benefits VIII.WRP Points of Contact Agenda
5 I. Background The WRP is a free recruitment and referral program (no cost to the agency) funded 100% by DoD. Connects employers with highly motivated postsecondary students and recent graduates with disabilities, who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace. The program was started in the 1970’s by the Department of the Navy. “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
6 (Continued) Expanded in 1995 by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. Now managed jointly by DoD Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity (ODMEO) and Department of Labor (DOL) Office of Disability Employment Policy. “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
7 II. Eligibility College Students Pursuing degree Graduating in Fiscal Year Schedule A eligible (hiring authority, individuals with targeted disabilities) Because this program is sponsored by the federal government, all participants must be United States citizens “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
8 III. How the WRP Program Works DoD activities allotted 615 positions DHA received 10:* DHHQ – 5 WRNMMC – 3 FBCH – 2 Activities will submit position requirements *NOTE: EEO Offices (DHHQ, WRNMMC, FBCH) will receive 1 position each “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
9 (Continued) Part-time for 14 weeks (May-Sep timeframe) EEO Division management and oversight of program HR providing hiring, and time keeping support Students selected from Department of Labor (DOL) WRP database “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
IV. Agency Responsibilities Supervise Develop Individual Development Plan (IDP) Provide IT/Computer and WorkStation support Provide Reasonable Accommodation (if required) Record student Time and Attendance 10
11 V. Follow-On for WRP Students Potential for reemployment the following year Temporary hires under Schedule A* Conversion to permanent hire (if applicable)* NOTE: *Agency cost incurred “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
12 VI. Course of Actions Brief program (Feb) Human Resources Chief of Staff Directorates Advertise program requirements (Feb) Select students form DOL data base (Feb-Mar) Assign students to DHA activities (Mar) Begin student employment (May-Jun) Close out program and end student employment (Aug-Sep) “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
Supports Federal disability laws and Presidential Executive Orders Provides employment opportunity for disabled students Provides DHA with “no-cost” administrative support for 14 weeks Cost savings (GS-5) for DHA per student Weekly: $ weeks: $9, Opportunity to evaluate student for future employment Great source of college graduate for DHA workforce Can lead to conversion to temporary or permanent hire VII. Benefits 13
14 VIII. WRP Points of Contact Keith T. Gaiter EEO Deputy Director/WRP Manager First Floor, Room 1M Arlington Boulevard Falls Church, VA (703) ; DSN 761 Timothy Fahey EO Assistant First Floor, 1M322C 7700 Arlington Boulevard Falls Church, VA (703) ; DSN 761 “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”