“Shaping our Future in North Somerset” Public Engagement Meetings
Background National Change towards more choice, more personalised care and empowerment of patients to improve their health North Somerset is working with local people, NHS professionals and partner agencies to develop plans for future health care for North Somerset Residents
Context North Somerset PCT must produce a strategic plan (strategic outline case) for health services by October 2005 This plan will set out options for change, and will – Reflect the key drivers for change, and policy framework – Be in line with Bristol Healthcare Services Plan (BHSP) Model of Care – Demonstrate affordability – Have the support from public and professionals
Our Vision is for: A shift of focus from illness to health. Patients to be treated and cared for at home or as near their homes as possible Providing the right care, at the right time and place, by the right professional (including self care) A focus in what patients need Making the most of resources to achieve excellence which is affordable Enabling GPs, their practice staff, dentists and pharmacists to see more people
A Patient Led NHS A Patient-led NHS – builds on the best from the past Better quality, more capacity stimulated by financial incentives People offered better services to maintain health, not just to treat sickness Locally driven service, operating to a national framework and standards A choice for patients of when and where they are treated A joined up service which enables integrated care for patients Applying learning from around the world in a new institute for skills and innovation More insight into local communities to improve how effectively we can help them
Drivers for change Changing expectations (public and professionals) Health inequalities Demographic change Technology Workforce Affordability Quality and Outcomes Accountability
Principles drawn from the BHSP Model of Care Improve quality, safety and outcomes Right care, right time, right place, right professional (including self care) Emergency and planned care pathways separated as far as possible Focus on services and patient experience, Maximise resources to achieve excellence
A Change in focus Out of Hospital Care (Long Term Conditions) Hospital Care (acute treatment)
Current Service Map 25 general medical practices, working out of 31 locations 1 community hospital (Clevedon) Under-developed community service, with pockets of innovation Links to Weston, UBHT and NBT Good examples of service integration with local authority Independent, private and voluntary sector
Hazard Warning We will need to: – Agree some core assumptions – Ensure we build in flexibility Predicting the future is difficult and we will get some things wrong
Key Assumptions (1) Our users will: – Be confident in using information and technology – Expect responsive, personal and high quality integrated services – Want to receive more care at home, or as close to home as possible
Key Assumptions (2) Demographic change inc. 40,000 additional people in Weston/Worle over next 20 years and 8,000 in Portishead. The rate of growth in funding will reduce after 2008/09 Pressures for centralisation and devolution will continue
Key Assumptions (3) If capacity and incentives are in place within primary care, we think we could: Reduce non-elective admissions by up to 24% (7,000) annually by 2013 Avoid 5% (400) inpatient admissions and 10% (2,100) daycases in 3 years Reduce new outpatient attendances by 35% (19,000) by 2008/09 Reduce A&E attendances by 40% by 2007/8
So What? Our strategic outline case will need to: Set out our priorities for developing capacity in the community to enable primary and community services to work with communities to maintain health Set out our priorities and preferred options for achieving this
Emerging Areas - Portishead The PCT is working to develop a new permanent GP premises for Harbourside adjacent to Portishead Medical Centre. What extra services you would like to see included in the development e.g. physiotherapy or podiatry? How can we make best use of the other community based services in North Somerset e.g. Clevedon Hospital?
Emerging Areas – Clevedon The PCT wants to enable Clevedon Community Hospital to deliver modern 21 st century services for the surrounding area. What do you want your modern community hospital to provide? Should it include a minor injuries unit, diagnostics, outpatient appointments and community therapies etc.? How we can make the services more accessible, especially for the more people?
Emerging Areas – Weston Some GP practices in Weston are developing new premises, as their current buildings are outdated. One possibility is to include a Walk In Centre within this development. What services would you like to see provided in this development? What are your views about a Walk In Centre Where could the development be_ bearing in mind the limited availability of sites in Weston?
Emerging Areas – Worle We plan to develop new premises in Worle to cope with the population growing by 40,000 in Weston and Worle in the next 20 years. What extra services would you like to see provided more locally? How can we ensure that any development enhances the community services in Weston?
Next Steps Formal staff and public engagement – will run until the end of September North Somerset will prepare the Strategic Outline Case (SOC) by end of October 2005 to feed into BHSP Formal public consultation on the detailed SOC is planned for November until the end of January 2006
Continued Input to Engagement Process You can continue have give their views on Shaping Our Future by: – ing: – Freephone: – Send via Freepost to; The Bristol Health Services Plan (North Somerset) FREEPOST BS1078 King Square House King Square Bristol BS2 8EE
We would like to hear what you think … What are your views on our vision? What do you think about the areas we have identified? Are there other areas we should consider? Are there any other changes happening in North Somerset that we need to build in to our plans for local services? What is most important for you when improving local services?