Research Raymond Martin Methodologies
Lecture #3 Ethics in Research
What is Ethics? From the Greek word ethos which means habitual or customary conduct Used interchangeably with morality How we determine right from wrong How to rightly use research techniques
Who decides what is ethical? Religion? Society? Personal Choice?
Philosophical and Theological Basis Theology – Based on religious tradition and sacred texts Philosophy – Ethics defined independent of religious faith Both concerned with how to proceed in moral and acceptable ways.
Code of Ethics? The American Psychological Association has formulated an Ethics Code American Sociological Association UTECH has an ethics committee
Ethics in Research There are three broad areas of ethical concern in scientific research: The ethics of data collection and analysis The ethics of responsibility to society The ethics of treatment of participants
Ethics of data collection and analysis Scientists must be honest in their observations and analyses Must be willing to admit error Must place the pursuit of knowledge above personal gain or the promotion of a particular philosophy
What harm is there in falsifying data?
Relationship between Science and Society Scientists should promote use of research to benefit society Scientists should speak out against destructive application
Treatment of Human Subjects? Subjects should be treated with respect and protected from harm
Ethics Code Protection from Harm Protection of participants from harm injury, embarrassment, stress Participants should be advised of any discomfort before the study Sign consent document
Ethics Code Protection from Harm Can you always predict harm? What about weighing potential harm against the benefits?
APA Ethics Code Informed Consent Participants should be told the nature of the study Choice to participate or not participate - voluntary Informing may affect study Debriefing important
APA Ethics Code Right to Privacy Researcher should respect participants right to privacy Any information collected on participant should be kept strictly confidential Pseudonym used if behaviour described in report
APA Ethics Code Plagiarism What is it?
APA Ethics Code Plagiarism Intellectual property rights