Revision Quiz Fuels 1 1.What is combustion? 2.What colour Bunsen flame is an example of complete combustion ? 3.What dangerous product is made during incomplete combustion? 4.Give an example of a fuel 5.What is a fuel? Reaction with oxygen Blue Carbon monoxide Petrol, methane paper, coal,oil, gas etc Something that burns to release energy
Revision Quiz Fuels 2 1.What two products do hydrocarbons make when they burn? 2.What is the formula of methane 3.Write a word equation for the burning of methane 4.What is another name for methane? 5.Balance the equation CH CO 2 + H 2 O Carbon dioxide + water CH 4 methane + oxygen carbon dioxide + water Natural gas CH CO 2 + 2H 2 O
Revision Quiz Fuels 3 1.Describe the formation of coal? 2.How is the formation of gas & oil different from coal? 3.What do we call fuels made in this way? 4.These fuels will not last for ever. What word do we use to describe this. 5.What can we use instead of these fuels. 100 million years ago plants died Fell to bottom of swamps & covered with sand & mud Pressure, time temperature & bacteria caused chemical changes Animals died instead of plants Fossil fuels finite Renewable sources of energy like wind waves and solar
Revision Quiz Fuels 4 1.What word do we use to describe a reaction that gives out heat 2.What are the main gases in the air? 3.What is the gas test for carbon dioxide? 4.What the gas test for oxygen? 5.Which gas is used up when things combust? exothermic Oxygen (21%), Nitrogen (78%) Argon (1%) Carbon dioxide (0.03%) Other noble gases Turns limewater milky Relights a glowing splint oxygen
Revision Quiz Fuels 5 1.What word do we use to describe a chemical that harms the environment 2.What pollutant(s) can be made when coal burns 3.What is the greenhouse effect? 4.Which gas(es) are responsible for the greenhouse effect 5.Which gas(es) cause acid rain pollutant Sulphur dioxide (Carbon dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and soot) Gases act as blankets trapping hot air causes temperature of planet to increase? Carbon dioxide (nitrogen oxides) Sulphur dioxide
Revision Quiz Fuels 6 1.What do we call oil dug up out of the ground 2.What is a fraction of crude oil? 3.What is fractional distillation? 4.Which gas(es) are responsible for the greenhouse effect 5.Which gas(es) cause acid rain Crude oil Group of molecules with similar boiling points Process used to separate crude oil into fractions. Carbon dioxide (nitrogen oxides) Sulphur dioxide
Revision Quiz Fuels 7 1.How is fractional distillation able to separate crude oil? 2.List the fractions of crude oil? 3.What is a use for the bitumen fraction? 4.Which is the lightest liquid fraction? 5.Which fraction is most viscous The fractions have different boiling points Gas, petrol, naphtha, kerosene, diesel oil, bitumen Making tar for roads petrol bitumen
Revision Quiz Fuels 8 Petrol Naphtha Kerosene Diesel Oil Refinery gas Bitumen 1.What fraction is given off at these temperatures?