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SPCD 511: Social Construction of Disability

Who are you?  Name (preferred pronunciation, nickname)  One thing that most people don’t know about you.

Julia’s office hours: Appointments available: Tuesdays 4:00-6:30 on campus (HH 254) Thursdays 4:30-5:30 (skype, voice only) Fridays 4:30-6:00 off campus (Satellite coffee shop on University, just north of Lomas) Make appointments in advance.

Brief Course Introduction  Course website  UNM Learn  Syllabus  A few things you need to know.

Web Address

UNM Learn:  Syllabus  Required Readings  Recommended readings on film and disability  Other recommended readings  Assignments  Useful videos  Other???

Syllabus  Office hours  Schedule  References for required readings  Suggestions of helpful extra books  Assignment descriptions (and point values)  Course policies

Vision: A classroom climate that fosters thoughtful and respectful consideration of alternative viewpoints and ideas, personal ownership of learning, and individual construction of personally meaningful knowledge.

What you need to know: HARD class: Amount of work Deep engagement New vocabulary Incomplete understanding (texts and concepts) Academic struggles Emotional struggles Focus on YOU!

Quick Write: What do you think is meant by the term 'social construction of disability'? How do you define disability? Impairment? Handicap?

Three Minute Story Activity  Arrange the room with pairs of chairs in a circle, with each pair at some distance from each other.  Count off in twos (#1s will be moving, so leave your things at table where you can leave them).  When prompted by Julia, the #1s will tell their #2 partner a story about disability. #2s will listen without interjecting.  When Julia calls time, #1s will move to clockwise to the next pair of chairs and that #2 will tell a story for three minutes.  Every three minutes, the #1s will shift chairs, trading off whether the #1 or #2 will tell a story.  You can tell the same story or a different story when you meet with a different partner.

Written reflection on 3 minute story  Think about the stories you heard and you told.  What message(s) did you think you tried to get across to your peers with your stories?  Why do you think you chose to share what you did?  What messages to you think your peers were trying to share?  How did this activity make you feel or think about?

Quick questions or quandaries?

Looking ahead… Topic: Contrasting perspectives: etic, emic, and cultural differences Read: Sleeter (1986), Rao (2006), AND Molloy & Vasil (2002) Note: These are heavy duty readings – you will need to start on them no later than by the weekend.

Please take a minute for the minute paper. And don’t forget to turn your phone back on.