Overview What are sorbents? General Definition: Sorbents: products used to adsorb/absorb liquids, including oil, petroleum based fluids, chemicals and water.
Overview Types of Sorbents Oil Only Chemical Industrial/ maintenance
Regulations Containment: (a) Container storage areas must have a containment system that is designed and operated in accordance with par. b of this section. (b) A containment system must be designed and operated as follows: The containment system must have sufficient capacity to contain 10% of the volume of the containers or the volume of the largest container, whichever is greater. EPA 40 CFR :
EPA Regulations Sorbent materials is one option for preventing oil spills from reaching waterways. EPA: [40 CFR (c) (1) (vii) [1997] EPA requires you to control sources of storm water runoff. EPA: [40 CFR (1997)] EPA requires transporters to clean up any hazardous waste discharge. EPA: [40 CFR (1997)] Regulations
Clean, dry workplace floors. OSHA:[29 CFR (a) (2) (1997)] DOT-specified containers and suitable quantities of absorbents shall be kept available for response to spills. OHSA: [29 CFR (j) (1) (vii) (1997)] OSHA Regulations
Introducing EMPTEEZY
Products range-absorbents
Products range-Spills kits and pallets
Products range-Oil spill equipments and pallets
Products range-emergency showers
Who Uses Sorbents? Industry/Mfg - Automobile/Aircraft & Rail Mfg- Plastics/Injection Molding - Steel Plants- Oil Refineries - Machine Shops/Metal working- Chemical Plants - Ship building- Pulp & Paper - Food Processing- Fibre Optic/Cable Mfg - Mining & Quarries- Pharmaceuticals Other Services- Electric Utilities (Generation & Transmission) - Military Facilities - Municipal Water Treatment Plants - Public Transit (Bus, Rail) - Airports & Airline Service facilities - Automotive Aftermarket & Repair - Hospitals/Medical Facilities - Transportation & Shipping (Trucking Firms, Pkg Couriers etc)
Who Uses Sorbents? Marine/Spill- Harbours & Ports- Coast Guard - Spill Contractors-Fire Departments - Emergency Response- Environmental Clean-Up
Applications For Sorbents General Industry & Services Used anywhere where fluid leaks are a possibility or where oil and chemicals are stored or dispensed. - storage areas- around machines- pipes - near tanks- under trains & trucks- around valves - under planes- on workbenches - emergency spills Marine/Spill/Environmental - control and clean up of oil & chemical spills - decontamination areas - emergency response on ships or in harbours
Competition in Singapore Sorbents (LEVEL 1) New Pig – PDS for South East Asian Region 3M – Various 3M dealers. Spill Containment Eagle NPS corp Ultratech
Current status with Empteezy Asteam is being offered to be Singapore distributorship in Apr Do not need to buy in container load. Have not understand the price competitiveness. Support and delivery will be from Hong Kong.
Sold standard emergency spill kits to St Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong. 50 kits at USD120 each. Fanning success out to remaining 6 hospitals in that cluster, then to other clusters. What’s next? Laboratories? Universities? Wafer Fab? Sell spill kits just like First-Aid kits in every workplace. Some success stories that can replicate
Any possibility to promote spill kits as a standard consumable items at all petrol kiosks? In Singapore, spill kits are equipped in most petrol kiosks due to industry best practices, but we notice minimum usage & replenishment. How can we change that? Some success stories that can replicate
Proposing SPC spill containment to BMW workshops, Hong Kong. Currently using sorbent as engine/tool cleaner & as floor mat. Some success stories that can replicate