Writing Relative Clauses who, which, that as the object Writing a biography
As the subject: Eg: That’s the girl who/that studies English very well. Eg: The hat which/that is red is mine. Who, which, that Subject
As the object: Eg: The woman who/that you saw yesterday is my aunt. Eg: That’s the book which/that I like best. Object Who, which, that
We often leave out the relative when it’s the object. 1. The woman who/that you saw yesterday is my aunt. The woman you saw yesterday is my aunt. 2. That’s the book which/that I like best. That’s the book I like best.
Writing a biography
Basic theory What is a biography? A biography is a description of someone's life and the times, which is usually published in the form of a book, an essay or a film. What to be included? Introduction (date of birth, birthplace, family, etc.) Special events and dates (education, work, relationships, death, etc.) How the person will be remembered
Sample biography John Lennon
John Winston Lennon was born October 9th, 1940 in Liverpool, England. When he was young, his parents separated and he went to live with his aunt Mimi. John's mother Julia was struck car resulting in her death. John was devastated. He didn't pay much attention in school, except for drawing doodles, so John went to an art school. During this time, he met a woman named Cynthia Powell, who later became his first wife. At sixteen, John created the group called the "Quarry Men". At this point, Paul joined the group, then came George. John Lennon
And so the story goes, that the Quarry Men evolved into the Beatles. John married Cynthia Powell in August 1962 and they had a son who they called Julian. The marriage didn't last long and John and Cynthia divorced a couple of years later. John met Yoko Ono soon after and they were married. In 1970, the Beatles broke up. After that, he and his second wife, Yoko Ono, carried on intertwined solo careers. John disappeared from the public eye in For the next five years, hee lived at home in nearly total seclusion, taking care of his new son, Sean. In 1980, John and Yoko started work on the album "Double Fantasy" but John's return was short-lived. On December 8th 1980, John was shot by a "lunatic". John's memory will live forever in the hearts of his fans.
Practice Write a similar biography of somebody who you think is interesting (your favourite actor, actress, singer or footballer, etc.)