Literature Name of a teacher: Sokolovsky Izabelle Year: 2009 School: Hareut
Fairy Tales In the land of make believe anything can happen! Fairy Tales take us to many magical places! Let’s find out what fairy tale is and what we learn from it. So, let’s begin our journey…
Fairy tale definition: A fictional (made-up) story. Characters: animals and creatures from folklore. Often include princesses or princes. Most fairy tales have a happy ending.
Examples of traditional fairy tales: Rapunzel Rapunzel Cinderella Cinderella Thumbelina Thumbelina
Task 1: 1. Choose a book. 2. Read it. 3. Answer the following questions in your notebooks: Is the story fictional? (Prove it) Are there any animals or folk creatures? (Name them) Are there any princesses or princes? Is there a happy ending? (Copy it) *Extra: What can we learn from this fairy tale?
Task 2: 1. Sit in groups of Choose a fairy tale and read it aloud. 3. On the Internet find four more versions of the same tale. 4. Scan the texts (each pupil scans one text). 5. Fill in the chart*. 6. Use a discussion forum to arrive to the conclusions (using your charts).
The Chart Title of Story Name of Country Name for a Main Character Good Characters Wishes How Wishes Are Granted Bad Characters Main Character’s Tasks Ending
Task 3 - Cooperation: 1. Combine the four versions into your own fairy tale. 2. Use the most interesting details from each tale. 3. Present your tale in Power Point. 4. Add relevant images to illustrate your story. 5. Check your work by using the checklist**.
Checklist V-VV+ We wrote a new tale We used the items from the charts We followed the “Fairy tale definition” list We presented our fairy tale in PP We added relevant images
Useful Links Andersen’s fairy tales: Charles Perrault’s fairy tales: /perra.html /perra.html Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales: Animated fairy tales: Images: tors/boyle.html tors/boyle.html Watch your favorite fairy tales:
How to use Presentation Assistant (pupil) Mark the following items in the text: Title of Story (marker) Name of a Country (optional) Name for a Main Character (marker-bright color) Good Characters (marker-red) Wishes (underline) How Wishes Are Granted (underline) Bad Characters (marker-black) Main Character’s Tasks (underline) Ending (marker- light blue)
How to use Presentation Assistant (teacher) 2 nd slide: ריבוע מסביב ל - ריבוע מסביב ל - what fairy tale is ו - ו - what we learn from it 3 rd slide: To mark the words: Fictional, animals, creatures, princess, prince Underline:Ending 5 th slide: Flag next to the word “notebooks” 7 th slide: mark with the yellow marker while explaining