The Cinderella Project These transcriptions and images are made available online free of charge for academic and private, non-commercial use, the only requirement being that you mention the title, "The Cinderella Project," the editor, Michael N. Sald the URL of the homepage, , and the location of the resources, the de Grummond Children's Literature Research Collection, University of Southern Mississippi, in any print or electronic medium that makes use of these materials.
The Cinderella Project A text and image archive developed by 23 English graduate students and their professor. One dozen English versions of the fairytale.
In: Perrault's Histories. London: J. Pote & R In: Perrault's Histories .... London: J. Pote & R. Montagu, 1729 In: Popular Fairy Tales. London: Sir Richard Phillips & Co., 1818 New York: J. Wrigley, c. 1800-25 Otley: W. Walker, c. 1815-70 New York: W.M. Mather, 1830s Albany: Gray, Sprague & Co., 1830s New York: McLoughlin Brothers (#1) In: Puss in Boots, Cinderella .... New York: McLoughlin Brothers (#2) New York: McLoughlin Brothers, 1870s England(?): 1880-1900(?) Chicago: Reilly & Britton, 1908 Chicago: M.A. Donohue & Co., 1912 Text Versions
In: Perrault's Histories. London: J. Pote & R In: Perrault's Histories .... London: J. Pote & R. Montagu, 1729 In: Popular Fairy Tales. London: Sir Richard Phillips & Co., 1818 New York: J. Wrigley, c. 1800-25 Otley: W. Walker, c. 1815-70 New York: W.M. Mather, 1830s Albany: Gray, Sprague & Co., 1830s New York: McLoughlin Brothers (#1) In: Puss in Boots, Cinderella .... New York: McLoughlin Brothers (#2) New York: McLoughlin Brothers, 1870s England(?): 1880-1900(?) Chicago: Reilly & Britton, 1908 Chicago: M.A. Donohue & Co., 1912 Images Only
Additional Story Archives Little Red Riding Hood Project Jack and The Bean Stalk and Jack The Giant-Killer Project