South Seattle Community College BUDGET HEARING June 11, 2008
Welcome to Budget Hearing South’s planning and budgeting process are efficient and successful. South’s planning and budgeting process are efficient and successful. District allocation is not finalized District allocation is not finalized –Preliminary funding overview College Council recommendations College Council recommendations
How South Measures Success Strategic Planning Strategic Planning –Institutional Goals –College-wide Priorities –Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies Budget Development Budget Development –Concurrent with development/update of Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies College Council College Council –Budget hearing –Recommendations to President Cabinet
Institutional Goals I. SSCC provides comprehensive instructional programs which include: college transfer, professional technical education, apprenticeship training, and life-long learning that meet the diverse needs of students and our communities. II. SSCC provides responsive student services and programs which support the learning and success of its diverse student population. III. SSCC supports the renewal of professional knowledge and skills in its diverse community of highly qualified personnel. IV. SSCC collaborates with business and industry, labor, community-based organizations, K-12 schools, and other higher education institutions. V. SSCC ensures the financial health of the college.
College-wide Priorities Promote student learning and success 2. Prepare the college for its preferred future 3. Ensure the financial health of the college * College-wide Priorities for were developed by the President’s Cabinet based on the Institutional Goals.
Budget by Category
New Positions Added (four year history) Exempt Exempt –Foundation Assistant Director –Transitions Advisor (Title III transition) –Environmental Health & Safety Manager (50%) –Associate Dean Academic –Opportunity Grant Program Coordinator –Nursing Director Total: 6
New Positions Added (four year history) cont. Classified Staff Classified Staff –Program Coordinator – Basic & Transitional Studies –Instruction & Classroom Support Tech Academic –Office Assistant Academic Center –Media Technician –Program Assistant Outreach –Program Assistant Testing (Title III transition) –Program Assistant Nursing (Title III transition) –IT Specialist –Grounds Nursery Specialist – two positions – Custodian – five positions Total: 15
New Positions Added (four year history) cont. Full Time Faculty Full Time Faculty –Wine Program – two positions –Nursing Program – two positions –Academic Transfer – five positions –Culinary Arts –Basic & Transitional Studies –BAS Hospitality Management Total: 12
Budget Recommendations Funded in FY 1. Promote student learning and success –Increase Part-time Faculty budget –3 New Faculty (Foreign Language, Science, Winemaker) –Increase in coordination funding in various programs –New Associate Dean position in Academic Studies –Increase in Instructional Equipment funding –Increases in Tutoring, Childcare, and Student Services hourly funding –Title 3 transitions to Operating budget Director of Research; Research Analyst; Testing Program Assistant; Advisor; Research Program Assistant; Tutoring Support Director of Research; Research Analyst; Testing Program Assistant; Advisor; Research Program Assistant; Tutoring Support –2 New Custodial positions –1 New Grounds position –Increase in goods & services for Diversity & Retention
Budget Recommendations Funded in FY 2. Prepare the college for its preferred future –Increase in safety and security supplies funding –Increase funding for Hazardous Waste –Increase in Professional Development funds –Transition of Executive Dean to Director of Contract Training
Budget Recommendations Funded in FY 3. Ensure the financial health of the college –Budget actual amounts for utilities –Transition position from grant consolidation funding to Operating budget –Increase in maintenance goods/services budget –Small (< $1k) miscellaneous increases in travel and goods/services budgets to reflect effects of inflation –Transition IT Support position from Lab Fee budget to Operating budget –Classified staff Increments
Additional Budget Items Funded in FY One time Accreditation Accreditation Computer Hardware/Media Services Computer Hardware/Media Services BAS Library Materials BAS Library Materials Operating Contingency Operating Contingency Faculty Contract Cost Faculty Contract Cost Retention Initiatives Retention Initiatives
Operating Budget Base FY FY Change State Allocation 17,263,801 - Tuition 6,601,829 - Worker Retraining 1,025, ,525 (176,375) International Students 750,000 - Running Start 450,000 - Indirect 283, ,374,622 26,198,247 (176,375)
New Resources FY Initial Allocation$/FTEFTES General Enrollment (48 FTEs DW) - ABE Enrollment* Incr.5, ,000 PT Faculty Conversion - ASL Interpreter Services 75,000 Basic Skills enhancement (ESTIMATE) 80,390 Student Achievement 13,239 FMO 27, Tuition Increase 1% (11 credits & up) 47, Tuition Backfill from SBCTC 1% 65,550 Tuition Increase 1% Allocated from 0708 FY 118,600 BAS State6, ,000 BAS Tuition 5% incr. & 20 new students 97,000 SCCC Re-Allocation5, ,000 $1,236,979
Competitive Funds (estimates) Plan Required Workforce High Demand 8,750 - Early Ed., Math & Science 5,550 - Enrollment Hi-Demand Transfer* 8, ,500 I-BEST* 9, ,000 $169,500 Competitive Health Care Career Advancement - Apprenticeship Growth 5, Apprenticeship Aerospace 6, ,923 $326,923
New Restricted Funds New Restricted Funds COLA - Classified 2%, July 1 45,493 Retain FY07 Classified pay increase 1.6% 13,876 COLA - Exempt 2%, September 1 80,289 COLA - Exempt (2 mon) 25,574 COLA - FT Faculty 4.4%, July 1 209,759 COLA - PT Faculty 4.4%, July 1 236,247 Health Insurance -- Reduction (563,102) Pention Changes 89,828 PT Faculty Salary Equity - FT Faculty Increments - PT Faculty Increments - $137,964
College Council Recommendations Staffing Address staffing needs to support Georgetown and PSIEC operations (security presence, IT support, etc). Address staffing needs to support Georgetown and PSIEC operations (security presence, IT support, etc). All of the staffing requests, as outlined in the budget presentations, appear to be justified and modest. All of the staffing requests, as outlined in the budget presentations, appear to be justified and modest.Accreditation Council recommends continue funding for accreditation. Council recommends continue funding for accreditation. Balancing Growth and Capacity Anticipated increase in FTEs and infrastructure must be adequately funded to accommodate increase. Anticipated increase in FTEs and infrastructure must be adequately funded to accommodate increase. Security/Emergency Preparedness Provide financial support to bring campus to full compliance. Provide financial support to bring campus to full compliance. External Socioeconomic Environment The college must consider proper planning, budgeting for inflationary factors, and rising utility and fuel costs in the changing economic environment to ensure financial health. The college must consider proper planning, budgeting for inflationary factors, and rising utility and fuel costs in the changing economic environment to ensure financial health. Student Success The council endorses funding positions and initiatives that improve student success. The council endorses funding positions and initiatives that improve student success.
Approved Requests 1. Promote student learning and success –2 New Full Time Faculty (Psychology, Nutr. & Health) –5 Full Time Faculty reallocation –New Advisor (100%) –New Financial Aid Assistant (100%) –New ABE/ESL Assessment Assistant (50%) –Increase Good & Services in instructional programs as requested –DOL grant transitions to Operating budget Nursing program assistant Nursing program assistant
Approved Requests 2. Prepare the college for its preferred future Increase in safety and security supplies funding New Security Officer (100%) New IT Tech. (100%) New Holly Site Coordinator (50%) Increase for BAS Library resources & PTF/Librarian Office Support (100%) shared by HR, PIO, ITS, Business Office
Approved Requests 3. Ensure the financial health of the college –Budget actual amounts for utilities & fuel –Increase merchant fee budget –Transfer 50% Advisor position from grant –Balance and fund adequate PTF Pool and Apprenticeship Contract Training –Classified staff Increments –Increase in contingency reserve –COLA, Benefits, Faculty contract cost
One Time Requests Accreditation$116,973 Accreditation$116,973 Retention Initiative 50,000 Retention Initiative 50,000 Grant Consultant Fee 30,000 Grant Consultant Fee 30,000 Total:$196,973
Annual Overview & Key Points Budget supports strategic plan & college-wide priorities Budget supports strategic plan & college-wide priorities New funding and associated FTE Growth New funding and associated FTE Growth –48 new general FTES pending –Re-allocation from SCCC –Tuition increase/inflationary funding –Maintenance & Operations –Salary improvement
Questions Thank You!