AERO2K Global Aviation Emissions Inventories for 2002 and 2025.
University of Cambridge Not involved in the AERO2K project. User of the AERO2K 2002 data for the LEEA project (Airbus/Dti/U.Cam/U.Read).
AERO2K website At Manchester Metropolitan University:
AERO2K website
AERO2K contact: Chris Eyers QinetiQ QinetQ NLR Amsterdam Eurocontrol DLR Köln
AERO2K report:
AERO2K data:
AERO2K data: 2002 Gridded Data Civil aviation monthly emissions + 6 hourly emissions Military annual emissions 2025 Gridded Data Civil aviation monthly emissions + 6 hourly emissions No separate forecast is made for military aviation. When a figure for total aviation emissions is required, gridded military emissions data for 2002 should be used. 1º x 1º x 500ft
AERO2K 2002: 2002 Gridded Data Civil aviation: radar tracked flight data from North America and Europe showing actual latitude-longitude-altitude along the flight pass. Routing information is used to place timetable flight from the rest of the world onto a global grid. Using 40 representative aircraft, fuel used for each flight is calculated using performance data from the PIANO aircraft performance tool. Calculation emissions from all the flight are then allocated on the global 3D grid cell representing the latitude longitude and altitude of the flight segment.
AERO2K file: Different format for the military data.
AERO2K quantities: ANCAT NASA 1992 TRADEOFF 2000 NASA 1999 AERO2K Tg Fuel Tg NOx Civil fleet / year
AERO2K quantities: Distance Flown (10 3 million n.miles) Fuel Used (Tg) CO2 (Tg) H2O (Tg) NOx (Tg) HC (Tg) Soot (Tg) Part. (number) CO (Tg) CIVIL E MILIT.NA NA.647 CIVIL
MILITARY zonal mean:
CIVIL zonal mean 500ft:
CIVIL 500ft:
AERO2K data: Altitude effects for Civil Aviation The gridded data are presented at 500ft intervals (eg 30000ft represents all flights between and 30500ft) in a grid of resolution of 1deg longitude by 1deg latitude. Data are presented at 500ft intervals to retain data granularity commensurate with real flight activity. Although the data are given at a vertical resolution of 500 feet, these data need to be treated with care. The majority of the flight data provides altitude information to 3 significant figures (eg FL302 representing 30200ft). As air traffic convention provides for vertical separation by constraining actual cruise flight close to the round thousands of feet altitude, much of the cruise data are of the form of round thousands of feet eg “FL300” representing 30000ft. With a grid vertical resolution of 500ft this results, for example, around 30000ft, with a large emissions value falling into the 30000ft to 30499ft cell with very few in the 29500ft to 29999ft cell. In some senses, this is a real effect, with emissions concentrated in horizontal bands 1000ft apart. These bands are “blurred” by the effects of slight variations from the target flight altitude, by errors and uncertainties in radar information and even in the position of the engines on the aircraft. However, to which of the cells (for example just above or just below 30000ft) the emissions should be allocated is somewhat arbitrary.
AERO2K data: It is therefore recommended that for most purposes associated with climate impact assessment, the gridded data are initially combined to 1000ft cells, ideally starting with a 500ft cell at ground level with subsequent cells from 500 to 15500ft, 1500 to 2500ft and so on.
AERO2K zonal mean 1kft:
CIVIL 1kft:
Flight level: The goal of RVSM is to reduce the vertical separation above flight level (FL) 290 from the current 2000-ft minimum to 1000-ft minimum. This will allow aircraft to safely fly more optimum profiles, gain fuel savings and increase airspace capacity.
USA versus EU:
AERO2K at UCAM: 2002:civil+military monthly mean only NOx and water vapour extracted T42 or T21 grid / 1000ft
AERO2K at UCAM: 2002:civil+military monthly mean only NOx and water vapour extracted T42 or T21 grid / 1000ft 2002:civil+military monthly mean ? species ? grid (1ºx1ºx1000ft) ? Format And 2025?
Aircraft Impact. TOMCAT SLIMCAT Ozone change:
Aircraft Impact. TOMCAT SLIMCAT Ozone change Profile at 65 North: