Web Quests in 21st Century Learning Reaching more students successfully What is a WebQuest? Inquiry-based learning Student-centered Combines instructional strategies Uses and processes information Can be short-term or long-term Organized in a specific way that has become universal
Web Quests in 21st Century Learning Reaching more students successfully WebQuest format: Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher's Guide(optional) EXAMPLE: “Poetry and the Planets” http://www.bell.k12.ca.us/BellHS/Littauer/Webquest/index.htm
Web Quests in 21st Century Learning Reaching more students successfully Inquiry-Based Learning Focus students' inquiry on questions that are challenging and have to be solved Teach students specific procedures and strategies in the process of solving the quest (i.e., metacognition and problem solving) Include opportunities for students to access information that is essential to the inquiry Give students opportunities to work with peers (cooperative learning) Help students develop competencies while completing a sequence of activities Provides the opportunity for performance/presentation Involve students in the process of deriving the standards for performance Rely on authentic assessment of learning WebQuests Student-centered learning
Web Quests in 21st Century Learning Reaching more students successfully Student-Centered: Students play a role Not text book driven Teacher as facilitator Choosing themes that have meaning to students Have a stake in the presentation and set up their own criteria E.g. Music webquest http://www.crosswinds.net/~ddineen/index.html
An example of how a WebQuest is student-centered: “A Teen's Personal Guide to Music on the Web” http://www.crosswinds.net/~ddineen/index.html Cross-curricular English Music Social Studies - cultural studies Comprehension and transferable knowledge Meaningful learning Multi-media presentation Greater retention
The Why and How for Success for All The Internet in the 21st Century School The Why and How for Success for All Cooperative Learning: Working in a team Business model (Knowledge Management) AND life-long learning Social skills Learn how to deal with constructive feedback Learn how to reach a consensus Awareness of their contribution (reflection sheet) Learn about different jobs and roles Listening skills Verbal skills Appreciate diversity Note: look for partnerships with foundations, no strings attached I.e. don’t expext to see their logo or have endorsements for their contributions.
The Why and How for Success for All The Internet in the 21st Century School The Why and How for Success for All Affective Learning: Enthusiasm Motivation Expressing opinions Talking about frustrations Reflection To articulate the innovation of the partnership we need to discuss its development over time because the partnership is dynamic. The partners’ roles in the “Tomorrow’s School Today” project at St. Dorothy’s have evolved over time. Starting in 1996 with the equipping and upgrading of the school’s computer lab, Norshield moved on to solicit other corporate sponsors, and to involve Concordia University as partner in the project. Coupled with Norshield’s commitment to children, education, and technology at St. Dorothy’s, Apple Canada also joined the partnership in 1996. Together, the partners have envisioned a strategy to bring this model to other schools in the Montreal metropolitan area and beyond. Norshield Financial Group has played a leadership and management role by leveraging its contacts and skills in the market place and by donating - as Apple Canada has - time, funds, and resources. Supplying material resources & ensuring initial technological resources Garnering & funding university involvement Coordinating professional development initiatives for teachers in this area of new communication and information technologies for learning
Web Quests in 21st Century Learning Reaching more students successfully Learning styles - speaks to all types of learners Tactile Auditory Visual Working on students’ on strengths and weaknesses (E.g. WebQuests for at-risk students project) Student-centered learning
Web Quests in 21st Century Learning Reaching more students successfully Where to begin: Get together with other teachers Combine strengths and expertise Explore Web Quests that are already available Don’t duplicate it if you don’t have to Assess your students’ needs (Multiple Intelligences etc.) Start slow (e.g. Create a HOTLIST http://www.emsb.qc.ca/stdorothy/stdprojs/culture/cultural.html)
Successful educational experience for all!!!
Created by Sabine Cossette: Consultant in information communication technologies (ICT) for the English Montreal School Board (EMSB) EMSB office: 6000 Fielding Ave. Montreal, Quebec H3X 1T4 Telephone: (514) 483-7346 Fax: (514) 483-7246 Email: scossette@emsb.qc.ca