Ago, ergo Cogito Using Embodiment to Teach Reading Comprehension and Physics Arthur Glenberg Mina Johnson-Glenberg Arizona State University
Ago, ergo Cogito Embodied Cognition All cognitive processes including the putatively abstract processes used in language and mathematics are grounded in bodily and neural systems of action, perception, & emotion Linking Embodiment and Education To be understandable and useful, the abstract symbols of education, words & syntax for language, numbers & operators for mathematics, must be grounded in experiences of action, perception, & emotion. Does embodiment help in education?
Ago, ergo Cogito I.A clear success: Reading comprehension II.A modest success: Teaching Physics III.Why the difference?
Ago, ergo Cogito An embodied account of language comprehension: Language comprehension is not the manipulation of abstract symbols. Instead, comprehension results from grounding the content of the language in neural and bodily systems of action, perception, and emotion, and using the systems to simulate the content. Art used the leg of the chair to knock the rattler off the porch. I. A clear success: Reading comprehension 1. Index words and phrases to objects & perceptual symbols 2. Derive affordances 3. Integrate affordances to simulate as directed by syntax
Why are some children competent oral language users yet poor readers? B. Fluency? Working Memory? C. Failure to ground written symbols in experience? Learning to speak/listen: grounding is frequent Learning to read: grounding is rare To the extent that children do not effectively ground written words in action and perception experiences, reading becomes a meaningless exercise in word calling. A. Learning orthography to phonology is hard work? Ago, ergo Cogito I. A clear success: Reading comprehension
Moved by Reading A two-stage reading intervention for grounding written words in bodily experiences 1. Physical manipulation 2. Imagined manipulation Ago, ergo Cogito I. A clear success: Reading comprehension
Moved by Reading A two-stage reading intervention for grounding written words in bodily experiences 1. Physical manipulation 2. Imagined manipulation Ago, ergo Cogito I. A clear success: Reading comprehension
Breakfast on the farm Ben needs to feed the animals. He pushes the hay down the hole. The goat eats the hay. Ben gets eggs from the chicken. He puts the eggs in the cart. He gives the pumpkins to the pig. All the animals are happy now. Word-calling Grounding/indexing A miracle!
Internet-based version of Physical Manipulation
Second Stage: Imagine Manipulation After reading a sentence, the child uses the cue (i.e., the green light) to imagine how she would manipulate the toys or images, but the toys and images are not literally manipulated (and sometimes not perceptually available). Because of the physical manipulation experiences, the child easily understands what she needs to do in imagination. Ago, ergo Cogito I. A clear success: Reading comprehension
Glenberg et al. (2004) Ago, ergo Cogito Cohens d = 1.4
Glenberg et al. (2004) Ago, ergo Cogito Percent Correct Cohens d = 1.8
Across the curriculum: Extension to reading to solve MATH story problems The logic: If children cant understand the story, then they are unlikely to be able to solve a story problem! Helping children to understand the story may help to eliminate suspension of sense-making (Verschaffel et al, 2000). Ago, ergo Cogito
Glenberg, Willford, Gibson, Goldberg, & Zhu (2011) Ago, ergo Cogito % Correct% Use Irrelevant (less is better) Cohens d =.58
Glenberg, Willford, Gibson, Goldberg, & Zhu (2011) Ago, ergo Cogito % Correct% Use Irrelevant (less is better) Conclusion so far: Grounding written symbols in sensorimotor activity tremendously enhances reading comprehension.
Ago, ergo Cogito Does embodiment hold in education more generally? Teaching Circular Motion and Centripetal Force Challenges: The real world is complicated! Real behavior is difficult to control and reproduce! F = mv 2 /r II. A modest success: Teaching physics SMALLab
Ago, ergo Cogito II. A modest success: Teaching physics Cohens d =.28
Ago, ergo Cogito So, why are the effects modest? III. Why the difference? Is the problem with embodiment? Is the problem with translation?
Ago, ergo Cogito Translation is successful… …when the sensorimotor interactions are closely congruent with the abstract content. III. Why the difference?
Ago, ergo Cogito Translation is… …less successful when the sensorimotor interactions are only partially congruent with the abstract content. F = mv 2 /r III. Why the difference? SMALLab
Ago, ergo Cogito Translation… …is useless, or worse, when the sensorimotor interactions are irrelevant for the abstract content. Thank you III. Why the difference?