Homeostasis Walter Cannon 1932 The Wisdom of the Body Jame Lovelock ~1969 Gaia hypothesis (Lovelock, J.E.; Margulis, L. (1974). "Atmospheric homeostasis by and for the biosphere- The Gaia hypothesis". Tellus 26 (1): 2–10.GaiaTellus
Draw a causal lop diagram describing a self regulating component of the human body.
Example Draw a causal loop diagram to describe the following: The sun becomes brighter causing Earth to warm to a new equilibrium temperature. sunlight Earths mean Temperature Emitted infrared energy
Coffee System Tc TRTR The hotter the coffee is The faster it cools Tc-T R Cooling Rate The higher the cooling rate The colder the coffee Cooling Rate Tc-T R + -
Coffee System Tc TRTR The hotter the coffee is The faster it cools Tc-T R Cooling Rate The higher the cooling rate The colder the coffee = -
Negative connection The higher the cooling rate The colder the coffee Cooling Rate Tc-T R - Tc TRTR
Positive connection The hotter the coffee is The faster it cools Tc-T R Cooling Rate + Tc TRTR
Negative feedback loop Tc TRTR The hotter the coffee is The faster it cools Tc-T R Cooling Rate The higher the cooling rate The colder the coffee = -
Cools with a characteristic time constant, minutes
Homeostasis is internal balance
Stable equilibrium (negative feedback)
Unstable equilibrium (positive feedback),
Perturbations Small changes that disturb a system from its equilibrium state. Hot Plate
A simple Earth Heating rate TETE
A simple Earth Heating rate TETE Albedo Absorbed solar Complete the system diagram
Daisy World simulation
Daisy World Average surface Temp Daisy coverage TsDaisies Ts Daisies Albedo
Daisy World Average surface Temp Ts Daisies Daisy coverage TsDaisies
Daisy World Average surface Temp Ts Daisies Daisy coverage TsDaisies albedo P1P1 P1P1 Ts Daisies albedo P2P2 P2P2
Daisy World Model