Mature Stage Ordinary Air Mass Thunderstorm
Developing Air Mass Thunderstorm (11 km)
Dissipating Air Mass Thunderstorm
Multicell storm
Severe Thunderstorms Slanting updraft and downdraft
Multicell storms Downbursts microbursts and macrobursts
Dust clouds from microbursts
Wind shear
Pre frontal Squall line
Pre frontal Squall line
Squall Line with trailing stratiform top
Non-rotating thunderstorm can result in straightline winds Or Derechos
Supper cell Thunderstorms
Supper cell Thunderstorm Severe long lasting storm with a violent rotating updraft.
Flash Floods Slow moving or Stalled thunder Storm, especially in canyon areas 135 deaths in 1976 flood 12 inches of rain in 4 hours (normal ~16 inches /year)
Mesoscale convective complex