T IMECARDS Due today!! Include all time you worked last week and estimate for today and Friday Include writing session time from 7/15 Include UMC meeting if you attended Let me know now if you can’t log in to timecard system
UMC MEETING Jack Fellows: man behind microphone UCAR Vice President for Corporate Affairs Runs UCAR Community Programs (E&O, meaning me, Raj, Rebecca, and more, are in here!)
I MPORTANT D ATES Date and TimeLocationDetails July 8, am – 1:30 pm ML DamonProject details are presented. Meet SOARS proteges July 15, am – 1:30 pm ML ChapmanTime to work on Posters July 15, :15 pm – 4:00 pm Meet in CG1 LobbyUMC meeting (Optional) July 22, :00 am – 1:30 pm ML ChapmanTime to work on Posters and Essay July 30, :00 am – 1:30 pm CTTC, CG2 Meet in CG2 Lobby Complete Poster rough draft, work on Essay August 4, :00 am – 3:00 pm (as needed) CTTC, CG2Poster completed, Essay completed August 5, :30-5:00 CG1 Center AuditoriumPoster Session
M ORE P OSTER S TUFF Word Limit—OOPS! words PER SECTION Bottom line: don’t scare people with a ton of text to read. Title should be in sentence case. NOT ALL CAPS and Not In Title Text Please talk with your mentor about the poster Get their affiliations correct! Allow yourself to be creative. The 4 column look that I showed last week is not required.
P OSTER S ECTIONS Introduction Methods Results Discussion
I NTRODUCTION Why is this study (your work) of scientific interest and what is your objective? Some background information. Keep it short End with objectives
M ETHODS Official definition: “details that would allow a scientist to replicate your work” Probably not going to happen on a poster General overview of equipment used, flow chart of steps taken, etc. How did you go about answering the question you had?
R ESULTS What did I find out? Might have to pick and choose what gets included or excluded for the poster
D ISCUSSION /C ONCLUSION What does it mean? Interpret Data What is new understanding of problem (as described in introduction)? Next Steps
M ORE P OSTER S TUFF Acknowledgement section on poster “This work was performed under the auspices of the UCAR High School Internship Program. The program is managed and funded by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.” Edit the name?? Brainstorm coming later… Literature Cited (if any) Contact Info (optional) “For more information:”
F OR TODAY Acronym 3-5 sentence summary of your work and your title to be featured in SOARS Publication ASAP to Rebecca, absolutely no later than next Friday Up for discussion… Head shots
M ORE STUFF FOR TODAY Write Introduction, at the very least, for your poster HS Internship staff is happy, happy, happy to read your text and give you feedback (especially Nancy and me) You don’t have to come up with this all by yourself! We don’t expect that! Starting other sections would be a good idea Begin work on reflective essay.
A CRONYM /N AME Brainstorm time: IONHIARS (Andy) REHSS, RIHSS (Kyle) How to pronounce? HiSRI (Kyle) Pronounced His-ree IROS (Kyle) Pronounced “eye-rose” INSPIRE (Nancy) I nternships at N CAR in S cience that are P ractical and I nformational within R esearch and E ducation Science Snapshot (Nancy) S cience at N CAR A bout P eople S tudents H onors and O ther T hings HSIP (what we kind of called it before you got here) Pronounced H-sip?