Copyright Section Chairs / Editors Roger Clarke, Andrea Pucihar, Joze Gricar Bled eConference – June – Mon 16:00-17:30 2 – Tue 09:00-10:30 3 – 11:00-12:30 The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference A Conference Special Section
Copyright Bled25 Special Section Call for Papers To develop the ideal paper, do the following: (1)Reflect on, and build on, the content of the 24 Bled conferences held to date. The Proceedings of many of the previous events are accessible on the Web, and their contents can be searched. See (2)Focus on a theme that has persisted across multiple conferences. Examples include... (3)Be future-oriented, i.e. identify the lessons from the Conference's rich history
Copyright Bled 25 Special Section The Process The Call for Papers attracted 27 expressions of interest Papers were subjected to double-open review by a list of 16 high-quality reviewers in 8 countries In most cases there were two rounds of review 9 contributions survived the review process 5 by sole authors 4 by teams of 2 to 8 people 21 authors, whose affiliations are in 8 countries Australia, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the UK, the USA, Vietnam
Copyright Bled 25 Special Section The Process Niels Bjorn-Andersen, DK Tanya Castleman, AU Tamara Dinev, US George Giaglis, GR Felix Hampe, DE Hans van der Heijden, UK Stefan Klein, DE Sherah Kurnia, AU Kai Riemer, AU Boriana Rukanova, NL Petra Schubert, DE Yao-Hua Tan, NL Arthur Tatnall, AU Edgar Whitley, UK Rolf Wigand, US HanDieter Zimmermann, CH
Copyright Special Section – The Nine Papers Meta-Analyses 1. The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference: Themes and Impacts – Roger Clarke 2. Automatic Semantic Trend Analysis of the Bled eConference: – Heinz Dreher Categories of eBusiness 3. The Use of ICT to support Regional Developments: Contributions from the Bled eConference – Hans-Dieter Zimmermann 4. From MCom Visions to Mobile Value Services – Christer Carlsson and Pirkko Walden Corporate Perspectives 5. Business Models Tooling and a Research Agenda – Harry Bouwman, Mark De Reuver, Sam Solaimani, Dave Daas, Timber Haaker, Wil Janssen, Paul Iske, Bastiaan Walenkamp Years of Research into the Management of eTechnology Projects – Julie Cameron 7. Inter-organizational Information Systems: From Strategic Systems to Information Infrastructures – Stefan Klein, Kai Reimers, Robert B. Johnston 8. Generating Procedural Controls to Facilitate Trade: The Role of Control in the Absence of Trust – Roger W.H. Bons, Ronald M. Lee, Vu Hoang Nguyen Research Topics 9. User Acceptance of Electronic Commerce: Contributions from the Bled eConference – Hans van der Heijden
Copyright Bled 25 Special Section Session 1 – Mon 16:00-17:30 1.The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference: Themes and Impacts Roger Clarke Principal, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, Australia & Visiting Professor in Law at UNSW & in Computer Science at ANU, Australia 2.The Use of ICT to Support Regional Developments: Contributions from the Bled eConference Hans-Dieter Zimmermann Professor, FHS St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland 3.User Acceptance of Electronic Commerce: Contributions from the Bled eConference Hans van der Heijden Professor, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Copyright Bled 25 Special Section Session 2 – Tue 09:00-10: Years of Research into the Management of eTechnology Projects Julie Cameron [ BY PROXY ] Info.T.EC Solutions Pty Ltd, Australia 4.Inter-Organizational Information Systems: From Strategic Systems to Information Infrastructures Stefan Klein, Kai Reimers & Robert B. Johnston Professor for Interorganizational Systems, University of Muenster, Germany Professor, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Professor, University College Dublin, Ireland 5.Generating Procedural Controls to Facilitate Trade: The Role of Control in the Absence of Trust Roger W.H. Bons, Ronald M. Lee & Vu Hoang Nguyen Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands Professor, Florida International University, Miami, USA Economics University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Copyright Bled 25 Special Section Session 3 – Tue 11:00-12:30 7.From MCom Visions to Mobile Value Services Christer Carlsson & Pirkko Walden Professors, IAMSR/Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland 8.Business Models Tooling and a Research Agenda Harry Bouwman, Mark De Reuver, Sam Solaimani, Dave Daas, Timber Haaker, Wil Janssen, Paul Iske and Bastiaan Walenkamp Delft University of Technology, Novay & Dialogues House, The Netherlands 9.Automatic Semantic Trend Analysis of the Bled eConference: Heinz Dreher [ BY VIDEO-CONFERENCE ] Professor, Curtin University, Australia