Professional Studio Lighting Kris baum
Setup Mac laptop – Simon Two cameras & enough lenses & simon’s light meter Get Camera fixed & sync cables & spare soft box Shoot to camera is working Sync cables & Pocket Wizards Kill spill stands Morning tea & afternoon tea Course material prepared – with practical goals. Music for CD player Get some interesting props and wallpapers Prepare lighting diagrams (example lighting scenarios) Specularity, shadows, light distance, light angle, dropoff rate
Lighting Scenarios req’d High key Low Key Hard lighting Soft lighting Rembrandt Butterfly Side Lighting Gel Effects Gobo Effects Background gradation
Structure of the practicals Explain the theory or technical with course notes Show demonstration of key aspects with the lights in studio. try making the demo hands on & involve students. Hand tasks to students for the two groups – with end goals in mind. Of the two groups made of 3 people Assistant Photographer Model Each student must produce their own images from each prac with their own camera & their own memory cards in JPG mode. Students should alternate after producing one lighting scenario Students are encouraged to get creative, interact with the other student and produce a creatively appealing image / portrait. Only one image (or one FAVOURITE) should be selected for each prac Apon finishing prac exercises, students hand over their memory cards and I show the class the selected images on screen – on my 19inch monitor