Copyright, Invitation to Research RESEARCH ETHICS Roger Clarke, Xamax Consultancy, Canberra Visiting Professor, CSIS, Uni of Hong Kong Visiting Fellow, Australian National University /65-Ethics.ppt ebs, January 2003
Copyright, Ethics body of principles governing right and wrong may be merely to enable ex post facto, abstract judgements about good and evil OR might be instrumentalist with volitional or motivational power thereby influencing actors' behaviour
Copyright, Ethical Issues Involving Research Subjects Researcher power over subjects Researcher duplicity regarding the purposes of the research Subject de-briefing Subject Safety, including against stress Subject loss of control over personal space, including their behaviour and their data Impact of the results
Copyright, Controls Over Research Involving Human Subjects Legal Obligations (e.g. OH&S, Datenschutz) Professional Codes of Ethics Pre-Clearance from Relevant Regulators Typically, University Ethics Committee Free and Informed Consent
Copyright, Consent concurrence by a party with an action to be taken by another party
Copyright, Consent Context: The Human Body Medical Procedures drug prescription, innoculation, surgery Acquisition and Use of Body Fluids / Tissue / Organs donations of blood, semen, bone marrow, kidneys organ donations from the dead Acquisition and Testing of Body Tissue / Fluids health care diagnostics substance abuse testing suspect identification and suspect elimination
Copyright, Characteristics of Consent – 1 of 2 {express in writing OR express unrecorded OR implied OR inferred} {declared by 'opt-in' OR presumed with 'opt-out', but subject to the absence of express denial}
Copyright, Characteristics of Consent - 2 of 2 Legal Capacity Physical and Intellectual Capacity Informed what scope of actions who may take such action for what purpose may it be taken over what time-period does it apply Freely-Given Revocable and Variable Delegable
Copyright, Ethical Issues Involving The Researcher Conference paper from incomplete research Glossed research method Anticipated outcomes Citation and authorship More details required for method, outcomes An eerily familiar block of text Incomplete references
Copyright, Ethical Issues Involved in Paper Submission Sponsorship Authorship 'School of' Manoeuvres Depiction of Research Method Plagiarism References and Citations Depiction of the Research's Significance Consideration of the Research's Implications Economic Factors 'Political Correctness' Submission Venue(s)
Copyright, Ethical Issues Involving the Institution Funding from an interested party Facilities, unpublished sources, conferences Constrained topic-choice Senior research review Withholding and/or vaguing up Suppressed negative-aspect analysis
Copyright, Ethical Challenges: The Lack of Social Impact Assessment Workplace Behaviour, Stress, Skills Formation Employment / Income-Distribution Mechanisms Urban, Regional, Rural and Remote Consumer Behaviour Consumer Rights Privacy (avoid confusion with security, and with data protection) Consumer Marketing permission-based, consensual, micro-, 1-to-1, non-mass