Internet-Induced Constraints on Freedoms: The Implications for Innovation Roger Clarke, Xamax Consultancy, Canberra Visiting Fellow, Dept of Computer Science, ANU National Office for the Information Economy Canberra, 9 July 2002
Information wants to be free - Stewart Brand, 1984 Everything you know about I.P. is wrong. There is a new economy of mind. Information wants to change - J.P. Barlow, 1994 The likely best course for content providers is to distribute I.P. free in order to sell services and relationships - Esther Dyson, 1995 The Clinton Administration plans to make illegal the browsing of a borrowed book, lending a magazine to a friend, and copying a news article for your files, for works distributed via digital networks - Pam Samuelson, 1996 In the Network Economy, follow the free - Kevin Kelly 97
There will be no property in cyberspace. Behold DotCommunism. For ideas, fame is fortune. And nothing makes you famous faster than an audience willing to distribute your work for free - J.P. Barlow, 00 Copyright today is less about incentives or compensation than it is about control - Jessica Litman, 2001 Copyright law was designed to provide incentives for innovation, but is now a weapon against creativity - Larry Lessig, 2001 The problem isnt copying, but distribution- Ernest Miller, 2002 (with Joan Feigenbaum)
Info Flows Within the Innovative Organisation
Info Flows Within the Innovative Sector