Copyright, Invitation to Research RESEARCH TECHNIQUES – OVERVIEW Roger Clarke, Xamax Consultancy, Canberra Visiting Professor, CSIS, Uni of Hong Kong Visiting Fellow, Australian National University /50-Techn.ppt ebs, January 2003
Copyright, Research Techniques A Two-Level Taxonomy Non-Empirical Techniques (8) Scientific Techniques (3+5) Interpretivist Techniques (5+5) Techniques at the Boundary (5) Engineering Techniques (5)
Copyright, Non-Empirical Research Techniques A Taxonomy (8) Review of Existing Literature Scholarship Conceptual Research (Contemplative, Armchair) Futurism, especially Delphi Rounds Scenario-Building Game-Playing or Role-Playing Analytical and Simulation Modelling
Copyright, Scientific Research Techniques A Taxonomy (3+5) Laboratory Experimentation Field Experimentation and Quasi-Experimental Designs Forecasting...
Copyright, Interpretivist Research Techniques A Taxonomy (5+5) Descriptive/Interpretive Focus Group Action Research Ethnographic Research Grounded Theory...
Copyright, Research Techniques at the Boundary of Scientific and Interpretivist Research A Taxonomy (5) Field Study Questionnaire-Based Survey Interview-Based Survey Case Study Secondary Research
Copyright, Engineering Research Techniques A Taxonomy (5) Construction of an Artefact Conception (based on a body of theory) Design / Creation / Prototyping / Demonstration / Proof of Concept Metrication of Artefact Usage Destruction of an Artefact Testing Application