The Back and Material Handling Issues
The Spinal Column Cervical Thoracic Lumbar
The Basic Structure
Epidemiology of Back Injuries Short Term or acute effects: Sharp Surfaces Dropped Material Struck-by Moving Materials Mechanical Stress Slips and Falls “Simpler” Cause and effect relationship
Epidemiology Chronic or Long Term Effects Back Ache or Pain Disc Degeneration Cause and effect not as simple, more difficult to analyze
Return to Work Out more than 6 months only 50% chance of returning One year only 25% Management and Practitioner Training One study showed that claims dropped from 200K to 20K per year by providing modified work and conservative treat
Material Handling Lifting/Lowering Pushing/Pulling Carrying Weights and Forces Frequency of Activities Load Center of Gravity
Material Handling
Job Risk Factors Weight of the Object Location (position of load w.r.t. worker) Frequency of Lifts Stability of the Load Hand Coupling Workplace Geometry Twisting/Stooping Environmental Factors
Personal Risk Factors Gender Age Anthropometry Lift technique Attitude Strength Training
Examples of Manual Handling Controls Avoid extreme range of motion when lifting Redesign work station/work area to allow freedom of movement Provide handles on material handling equipment Provide lift-assist devices and tables Unit Load Concept
Job Design Can reduce one-third of compensable LBP Minimize reach and lift distances Keep off floor Work station design Frequency Relax time standard Rotation Work-Rest allowances
Job Design Minimize Weight Mechanical aids Carton capacity Balance contents Convert Carry to push/pull Push over pull Use large wheels
Training Focus on awareness and avoidance Get object as close to body as possible Planning Use of handling aids Back Schools Strength and fitness important
NIOSH Lifting Equation 1991 Version
NIOSH Lifting Equation Objective: Reduce occurrence of lifting-related LBP 1981 and 1991 equations 1981 limited to sagittal plane 1991 includes asymmetry and coupling
Disqualifiers for Use One handed lifts More than 8 hours Seated or kneeling Restricted work space Unstable Objects Carrying, pushing or pulling while lifting Wheelbarrows or shovels High speed motion Unreasonable foot/floor coupling Unfavorable environment
Definition of Terms RWL = Recommended weight limit LC = Load constant HM = Horizontal multiplier VM = Vertical multiplier DM = Distance multiplier AM = Asymmetric multiplier FM = Frequency multiplier CM = Coupling multiplier
RWL = LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x CM 1991 Equation RWL = LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x CM
1991 Guide Compare RWL to Actual Load (L) If Greater than or equal to 1 problem
Lifting Index L RWL
1991 Multipliers LC = 51 Pounds HM = 10/H VM = 1-.0075 x / V-30/ DM = .82 + (1.8/D) AM = 1 – (.0032 x A) FM go to Table CM go to Table
NIOSH Worksheet
Lifting Example
NIOSH Workshop
NIOSH Workshop Start of Lift End of Lift
NIOSH 1991 Lifting Calculator
WISHA Calculator for Analyzing Lifting Operations
WISHA Workshop
WISHA If the job is a hazard Reduce weight of load Increase weight of load so that it requires mechanical assist Reduce the capacity of the container Etc.
References Applications guide for the revised NIOSH lifting equation – On CD Elements of Ergonomic Programs – On CD Musculoskeletal Disorders and Workplace Factors – On CD Work Practices Guide for Manual Lifting NIOSH 81-122 References continue on next slide
What does the worker need to know from this presentation?