June, 2007 Daniel Bonniot IUPAC Naming
Available in Marvin since (April 2007) Present several ways to use it Evaluation Work in progress
Different Nomenclatures Traditional name: isobutane IUPAC name: 2-methylpropane
Different Nomenclatures Traditional name: isobutane IUPAC name: 2-methylpropane IUPAC name: ethyl methyl ketone Preferred IUPAC name: but-2-one
Our nomenclature options Currently two options: –Preferred (default) –Traditional Open to custom needs
Plugin (MView, MSketch) Demo
Real time label (MSketch 4.2) Updated automatically Automatic or manual placement Demo
Batch naming Using MarvinView: File/Save as: IUPAC Name On the command line: molconvert name inputs.mol -o names.txt Adding names as an additional field to a SDfile cxcalc -S name input.sdf -o named.sdf Batch naming requires a license key
Instant JChem 2 Requires updated IJC 2 Demo
Independent Evaluation 193 molecules chosen by a chemist Names produced for all, no failures 187 correct names 5 with missing stereo information (3 fixed since, remaining need r/s stereo) 1 wrong name, fixed ACD/Labs: 2 failures & 1+ wrong ChemOffice: 10 failures
Evaluation (automated) Pubchem: 23,000 molecules, average 30 atoms per molecule Speed: 90 names/second Names generated: 99.8% Using name to structure, virtually no wrong name
Work in progress More extensive support for traditional nomenclature Specific naming, depending on requests (sugars, natural products,...) Name import (name to structure)