UAIG: First Fall 2013 Meeting
Agenda Introductory Icebreaker Fall Meetings Info How to get Involved with UAIG? Discussion: The AI Problem Free Discussion
Find an adjective that starts with the first letter of your name and possibly describes one of your dominant characteristics. When it is your turn, introduce yourself by stating your first name and program(s) of study, then tell us that adjective. For the rest of the meeting, if someone wants to address you, they should call you by the tuple (adjective, first name), e.g. Dangerous Dave. Introductory Icebreaker
We announced that UAIG meetings will be held biweekly on Wednesday at 4:30pm. It has come to our attention that many regular members might not be available at that time. Hence we are changing the meeting time for the rest of the semester to Friday at 4:30pm. Does anyone here feel really strongly against this decision? Fall Meetings Info
Come to our biweekly meetings Take charge of one of our meetings by presenting your own research, an interesting paper that you’ve read, or something else you might think is relevant (talk to us if you have ideas!). Organize an AI coding challenge or event If you do item 2 or 3, then we will appoint you as “Project Manager” and you will join the ranks of UAIG execs! ^_^ How to get Involved with ->
Required reading for today’s meeting: The AI Problem, with SolutionsThe AI Problem, with Solutions, by Luke Muelhauser. Recommended readings: So You Want to Save the WorldSo You Want to Save the World, by Luke Muelhauser. Anything from the Resources page of Cambridge's Center for the Study of Existential Risk.the Resources page of Cambridge's Center for the Study of Existential Risk Discussion: the AI Problem
^_^ Free Discussion