BI & SOA Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz Ofer Azoulay Yoram Kahana
How can you get your BI needs in solutions based on SOA The problem is real
SOA is about loosely coupled coarse grained components Service describes End Point Exposes Messages Sends/Receives Contracts Binds to ServiceConsumer implements Policy governed by Sends/Receives Adheres to Understands Serves
Services are autonomous
Business Intelligence
BI needs information while SOA promotes encapsulation
Option 1- The hack with SOA, we need that information
Option 2 – Get the services to collaborate
Nothing specific
Adding a specific BI contract ETL Connection to DB File Based On line Department Server DB
Blogjects concept is about collaborating objects
Moving to Event Driven Architecture
Dashboard in an SOA Mark Palmer Turning Service-Oriented Events into Business Insight
We think Collaboration is better
BIdata Meta data BI for MashupsBIdata Meta data BIdata BIdata