Listen Up: Podcasting Part 1 Marion County Public Library- HQ
What is a Podcast? Podcast: i POD broad CAST “An audio broadcast that has been converted to an MP3 file or other audio file format for playback in a digital music player.” ~
Podcasting in Plain English CommonCraft– Lee Lefever –
Popular Podcasting websites NPR (National Public Radio): tory.php tory.php President of US Barack Obama’s Podcast: Your favorite magazine!
What is RSS? RSS: R eally S imple S yndication A syndication format that was developed by Netscape in 1999 and became very popular for aggregating updates to blogs and the news sites. ~
RSS feeds Subscribe to a Podcast==>RSS feeds RSS feed: summaries of web site content that are published in the RSS format for download. ~
RSS viewer (reader) A stand-alone program or browser plug-in that aggregates and displays RSS feeds. ~ Example: – : A part of Google. Allows for RSS feeds for podcasts
Publishing your podcast Free hosting websites – : free podcast hosting and social networking site – : free podcast hosting – : free website that not only allows podcast hosting but the ability to host videos and other media; targeted toward digital artists
What you need: A computer A microphone A sound/audio recording program on your computer Speakers or a headset Podcasting online host Patience
The Audacity! Records sounds onto your computer Files can be saved as a music file (.wav or.mp3) Saved files can be uploaded to a website and played online
Wav or mp3?.wav file: The format for storing sound in files and can be played by nearly all windows applications that support sound. ~ *we will be using.wav*.mp3 file: The name of the type of file for MPEG, audio layer 3. – Better known as a “music file” – shrinks the original sound data from a CD by a factor of 12 without sacrificing sound quality. – Because mp3 files are small, they can easily be transferred across the Internet.
Future of podcasting Video podcasting – Also known as a vidcast or vodcast – Combination of Podcasting + video – a term used for the online delivery of video on demand video clip content via Atom or RSS enclosures. Vodcast Readers: – Youtube: – Blip: – Miro: – Boxee:
Podcasting resources Library: – Podcasting for Dummies by Morris, Tee ( MOR) – Podcasting: the do-it-yourself guide by Cochrane, Todd ( COC) Podcasting for Dummies website:
Special Thanks!!! Michelle – Librarian Paula- Librarian Troy- Public Service Assistant *Reference Superstars!!*
Next week Review Record a podcast ** Please bring in a plug-n-play microphone from home if you have one** Upload to podcasting host Publish on your blog/website
Listen Up: Podcasting Part 2 Marion County Public Library- HQ
Recap of last week Podcast RSS feeds Tools of the trade Audacity
What is a Podcast? Podcast: i POD broad CAST “An audio broadcast that has been converted to an MP3 file or other audio file format for playback in a digital music player.” ~
RSS feeds Subscribe to a Podcast RSS feeds RSS feed: summaries of web site content that are published in the RSS format for download. ~
What you need: A computer A microphone A sound/audio recording program on your computer Speakers or a headset Podcasting online host Patience
The Audacity! Records sounds onto your computer Files can be saved as a music file (.wav or.mp3) Saved files can be uploaded to a website and played online
Listen up! Let’s podcast!