Get your sales and audience in shape with a fitness giveaway that brings business to clients while capturing valuable segmentation information for your database. Team You
Concept: Audience members choose the prizes they want to win while you capture data on workout preferences. Sports and fitness prizes as supplied by local businesses. Sponsors are featured with logo and a website or Facebook link. Participants get limited-time coupons on the confirmation page upon entry to the contest. Get in Shape!
Execute: March Sell to: Multiple sponsors Generate Revenue: Fitness related businesses [gyms, personal trainers, studios, etc.] Retailers that sell fitness products and gear [clothing, shoes, sunglasses, etc.] Build Database: Drives new registrations to the database (and completes profile data of database members). Unify Data: Identifies segment of the database with an interest in health and wellness, specifically in the personal fitness space for recurring use throughout the year. Team You Get in Shape!
Campaign: An online contest to identify likely customers by spotlighting your business and giving away a fitness-related product or service. Engagement: Your business will be featured in s, inviting our audience to participate in the Team You contest. Awareness: Your logo and business information will be highlighted on our Team You contest page. Incentives: Your limited-time coupon/offer will be featured on the confirmation page, visible immediately upon entry to the contest. Results: Get qualified prospects to visit your location and sample your programs through a limited time offer. Team You Get in Shape!
You Receive Your logo/link info on the Team You contest page on our website Your logo/link info included in s to our database members promoting the Team You contest Your coupon/offer appears immediately upon entry in the online contest Foot traffic to your location to sample free offer On-air/in-print promotion for Team You contest Links allowing promotion on your website/social media sites/ s You Provide Prize(s) and special offer/discount to give away for Team You contest (retail goods, packages or membership) Promotional Value: $ ______ Your Investment: $ _______ Team You Get in Shape! Sales Sheet