Digital Projects from Government Libraries Bernie Gloyn June 1, 2012 Statistics Canada Library Digitization Project
05/11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 2 Overview Objective Background Project Details Progress Partners Future
Objective Goal is to digitize all of Statistics Canada publications in our Library Covers from the earliest on the shelf to digital copies being made available in the late 1990s Justified on the basis of stewardship and access Easier to find, access and use preservation, still retain 2 print copies reduced footprint 05/11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 3
Background Initiative came from a strategic review of the Library Move to strengthen digital resources Improve online access Emphasis on self serve and education Key resource is StatCan publications Internally and externally Potential off-site storage for print collection Drive to more efficient library 05/11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 4
Project Details Large effort, multi year Estimated 30,000 publications and 3 million pages No dedicated funding Mid-year investment funds when available Use internal resources available from Census Operations Build off Canada Year Book Historical website Start with Census publications 05/11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 5
Project Progress Last year Digitized Census From 1851 Census to 1996 Census –2,800 publications and 400,000 pages –Includes atlases Quality controlled raw image files – TIFF and JPEG Controlled using barcode Created searchable PDFs Linked with library catalogue records Renamed files –Census year, Call number, publication date, language 05/11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 6
Project Progress This year Continued digitizing moving from Call # forward through the collection Into the high s, also Canada Yearbook post 1967 and the English DAILY 8,800 publications and 900,000 pages Website developed for Census publications only a shell at this point No budget past March 31, /11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 7
Partners Internet Archive (IA) Expertise in optimizing file sizes of scanned files JPEG files particularly IA Statistics Canada Collection 192 publications at present, over summer will add remaining 2,600 Support more than PDF with other options We provide raw files and metadata: title, author, subject First 192 pubs have only author and title No exchange of funding 05/11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 8
Partners (cont) 05/11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 9
Partners (cont) Depository Services Program Have copies of the PDFs and catalogue records Will make available as they can in the future Library and Archives Canada Will receive copies of raw image files and PDF files 05/11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 10
Future Mid-year investment Not counting on funding this year Will recommence when we do Continue to work with the DSP and the IA to move forward 05/11/2013 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 11