The Age of Reason aka: Enlightenment, Age of Johnson, Age of Pope, Neoclassicism, Restoration, Augustan Age, Age of Satire 1660-1780.


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Presentation transcript:

The Age of Reason aka: Enlightenment, Age of Johnson, Age of Pope, Neoclassicism, Restoration, Augustan Age, Age of Satire

Monarchy Charles II was restored to the throne in 1660 Chartered Royal Society to make scientific inquiries official French customs shocked pious Englishman A spirit of licentiousness characterized his court (womanizing, debauchery, etc.) Tried to restore some privileges of Catholics; converted to Catholicism on his deathbed

Monarchy James II, Charles’ brother succeeded him Also a Catholic, alarming the nobility and resulting in a failed uprising When he has a son, a Catholic line seemed assured Glorious Revolution—to get rid of James his eldest daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange were offered the throne James escaped to France and William and Mary took over with no bloodshed (therefore a Glorious Revolution.

Monarchy By1715 the House of Hanover from Germany, George I (the current line) Growth in power of prime minister previous to this period—Hanover line increases power of ministry Two political parties form—Tories favor status quo, Whigs favor progress

Other issues 1665 plague killed 70,000 inhabitants of London 1666 Great Fire destroyed 13,000 houses and left two-thirds of the population homeless Architectural growth (St. Paul’s Cathedral, widening of street, improved structures)

Literary Changes Use of classical modes based on traditions of Greeks and Romans (neoclassical) Flowery language of Renaissance replaced with satirical verse Focus on correcting individual behavior and societal ills First literary periodicals published, and essays flourished Drama—actresses replace boy actors; comedy of manners introduced features multiple plots involving intrigue and infidelity Restoration comedy synonymous with licentiousness

Other literary innovations First real biographies published (previous biographies merely flattering accounts) First comprehensive English dictionary written by Samuel Johnson Literary criticism also spearheaded by Samuel Johnson Travel journals