CIDOC 2000 Using GEM Metadata to Access Education Resources Nancy Virgil Morgan Coordinator
CIDOC 2000 Presentation Outline About GEM Dublin Core & GEM Metadata GEM Architecture and Tools 2000 Priorities
CIDOC 2000 GEMs Mission Consortium effort to improve access to uncataloged collections of educational materials on non- profit, commercial, and government Internet sites.
CIDOC 2000 Sponsors U.S. Department of Education ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology Syracuse University School of Information Studies
CIDOC 2000 Timeline Nov 96 Stakeholders Meeting June 97 Presentation U.S. Dept. of Ed. Mar. 00 The Gateway online Aug 00 12,358 records Jan Consortium members
CIDOC 2000 As of July 31, 2000
CIDOC 2000 As of July 31, 2000
CIDOC 2000 GEM Metadata Profile
CIDOC 2000 Metadata Structured information that describes, manages, and organizes resources –card catalog describes, manages, organizes library resources –GEM record describes, manages, organizes Internet education resources
CIDOC 2000 Open Standard: Dublin Core Coverage Creator Date Description Format Identifier Language Other Contributor Publisher Relation Resource Type Rights Source Subject Title
CIDOC 2000 GEM Elements Audience Duration Essential Resources Grade Level Pedagogy Quality Indicators Academic Standards Cataloging Agency
CIDOC 2000 GEM Controlled Vocabularies Subject Resource Type Pedagogy Audience Grade/Education Level Format
CIDOC 2000 Metadata Continuum Simple & Terse Complex & Rich LycosDublin CoreUSMARC LocationDiscovery Documentation GEM Level 1 Cataloging
CIDOC 2000 Metadata Continuum Simple & Terse Complex & Rich LycosDublin CoreUSMARC LocationDiscovery Documentation GEM Level 1 Cataloging GEM Level 2 Cataloging
CIDOC 2000 Creating GEM Metadata
CIDOC 2000 Creating GEM Metadata GEMCat Cataloging Module: create individual metadata records. Database Collections: write script/program/query to output GEM records Future: researching the use of Natural Language Processing to automate metadata creation.
CIDOC 2000
Creating GEM Metadata Database collections –compare GEM elements with db fields –write script/program/query to output GEM records –test output with GEM technical systems Time: few hours
CIDOC 2000 Meta-data
CIDOC 2000 GEM Architecture and Tools
CIDOC 2000 Resources GEMCat GEM Cataloged Resources edit catalog Creating/Editing Metadata
CIDOC 2000 Resources Separate Metadata Embedded Metadata GEMCat GEM Cataloged Resources edit catalog Creating/Editing Metadata
CIDOC 2000 Separate Metadata Embedded Metadata HARVEST local harvest web harvest Harvest Process
CIDOC 2000 Separate Metadata Embedded Metadata HARVEST local harvest web harvest Index files Harvest Process
CIDOC 2000 Separate Metadata Embedded Metadata HARVEST local harvest web harvest Index files Files from DB driven collections Harvest Process
CIDOC 2000 Separate Metadata Embedded Metadata HARVEST local harvest web harvest Index files Files from DB driven collections Full Site Index (The Gateway) Harvest Process
CIDOC 2000 Why use Metadata? Lack of precision in web searching Time-consuming for user to determine quality, authority
CIDOC 2000 Why use Metadata? Economics of traditional cataloging Internet resources move,disappear Users one click away from the resource
CIDOC 2000 Why use Metadata? Establishes a consistent means to search across websites while maintaining your autonomy Brings users to your site The Gateway searches 12,000 resources across 150 websites.
CIDOC 2000 Why use Metadata? Customized interfaces to the same metadata catalog
CIDOC 2000 Why use Metadata? Allows organizations to create own Gateways: CHIN (Canadian Heritage Information Network) MCI Marco Polo Project –6 partner sites
CIDOC 2000 Why use Metadata? National Institute for Literacy – LINCS –Network of adult literacy websites NASA –Office of Space Science –Distributed NASA educational materials
CIDOC Priorities Academic Standards Vocabulary Registries Higher and Adult Education Working Groups Continued growth - membership, content, users
CIDOC 2000 For More Information: or visit: